j Just (Telephone j 20 2 Owen’s Pharmacy "The Prescription Store” “PRATTLINGS” By Glenn Pratt, Tryon Hi The Literary society elected Francis Chapman, president, Fred Hutchison, vice-president and Dick Taylor, secretary. This year the society plans to have declamation and recitation contests .... We have something that is a little un usual for this column. George Dewey Cooksey, Jr. ,is offering driving lessons. Apply at his thome . 4 . . . This year’s freshman "class seems to have gotten off to a fine start. Keep up the good work and some day you will be a wise senior. (Maybe) .... The fourth year English class has been study ing Canterbury Tales and is' mak ing a frieze illustrating the story. .... The Beta club will meet Tuesday evening at eight o’clock with Miss Sevier. By the way, the list of officers given last week was not quite complete as Buddy Mbore. the treasurer, was omitted. We hope Buddy will not mind this oversight. At the meeting of the club, plans will be discussed for taking in Ninth grade members. .... The Senior chapel program of Friday the fifteenth was quite successful. This Friday the Ju niors are in charge of the pro gram ..... Friday evening a dance was held in the gym. The was rather small. Plans p are being made for the formation of a dance club .... Mary Pal mer and Peggy Lincoln left for college Monday. Remember,- you two, we all want to hear from you, and don’t let us down .... Is it true what they say about Richard? We mean does he really take his car to bed with him? .... There is one person whom we all miss this year—Jane Brand. She is at tending school in Maryland .... There are some people who must actually like school. Despite a broken ankle Jean Derby hasn’t TRYON MOTOR CQ. Inc. f Parts & Service N Y AL Service Drug Store missed any school so far. Congra tulations, Jean! . . . When Tryon meets Inman on Sept. 22, nothing could possibly please the team more than to have a large crowd turn out for the game. Let’s all back up our team this year. We owe that much to them. A great game is anticipated, and much ac tion is promised .... During the first two weeks of school the Ninth grade went without an absence or a tardy. They challenge any other grade in school to beat this rec ord .... The Senior class elected officers on Monday. They are; Dutton Beatson, president; Theo dore Burrell, vice-president; David Cromer, secretary-treasurer . . . . Our last year’s Seniors are busy doing the following things: Attend ing college, 6; attending secre tarial school, 4; post graduate course, 3; holding jobs, 9; married, 2. We hope that you Seniors have all the luck in the world. . . . . Well, I guess I’ll prattle along ’till next week. I’ll be seeing you. FOR RENTA furnished house with all modern conveniences; beautifully located and close to town. Apply to Henry Reich.— Adv. 19, 21, 23. Supreme TAXI SERVICE Phone 56 ARTHUR L. MAYRAND Maker of Men’s Clothes Suits from $45 to $65 From Customer'B Own Cloth SBS 177 E. Main St. Spartanburg, South Carolina