The Missionary society of the Methodist church will observe an nual day of prayer on Tuesday at 11 o’clock with Mrs. R. C. Fitz patrick. Claude Solesbee ,of Landrum route two is in St. Luke’s hospital suffering a fractured leg and jaw as the result of an automobile ac cident on Saturday. TODAY— Missildine’s Pharmacy is open sixteen hours out of every twenty four for your conven'eix ». MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY Phone No. 4 KALMIA DAIRY PRODUCTS will be us:d exclusively by Miss Florence Rogers, famous food % expert in her demonstrations at fv'-' the cooking school in Trvon §||||»> school auditorium, Monday, rn. Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. aHHfe eth. 7th, sth. Miss Rogers says: “ A milk, to he safe, should be pasteuriz ed. For your health's sake you should not overlook this impor- |||§ptp> < Ka Imia Dairu Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Farr of St. Clair, MiA., are v.sitmg their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Jenks. HOME FOR RENT: Gillette Woods. Dec. Ist to Apr. Ist. Mod ern, 8 rooms, well furnished, gar age, fine mountain v ew. Telephone 189-W or write Box 184—Adv. 6, 11 Supreme TAXI SERVICE Phone 56