ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 SJrgtrn Brnlg IMniktln Seth M. Vining, Editor - $1.50 Year In the Carolina* le per copy (The WoJy Smallest Daily Newspaper) le Vol. 12. Est. 1-31-28 C., THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1939 CURB REPORTER The big snow storm sweeping the country missed Tryon and vicinity this week. The tempera ture dropped to 35 below in Wtake no, N. Y The Finns are pushing the Russians back in two places on the battle line. The Finns are using some soldiers dressed in white clothes who skate over the frozen lakes or glide on skiis. They are almost invisible and surprise the enemy with their lightning attacks .... Clemson’s football team had to practice dur ing icy weather on their arrival at Dallas, Texas, to play Boston college in the Cotton Bowl . . . . people die in an earthquake Turkey .... France and Eng land are buying war supplies from the Unitecr States .... Finland is getting relief from contributors all over the world. President Hoov er heads the relief solicitors in the United States .... Vice-Presi dent Garner is receiving support for his nomination for President on the Democratic ticket President Roosevelt has appointed Myron C. Taylor as representative to the Catholic Pope at Rome to work for peace. Roosevelt also calls a conference of religious leaders of several denominations and asks for cooperation on work ing for world peace. Warrington Preston At Presbyterian Church Warrington Preston, student at Union Theological Seminary, Rich mond, Va., will preach on Sunday evening at 7:30 at the Tryon Presbyterian church. He will preach a New Year’s sermon es pecially for the young people. Mr. Preston is a graduate of Tryon high school and attended Erskine college before going to the semin ary. He is spending the holidays here with his brother, Dr. John Z. Preston, and sister, Miss Edith Preston. Buy Berry Place Ml R. MlcCown and J. T. Arledge have purchased the property on Grady avenue of the late Admiral and MlrSt Berry, formerly occupied by Rev. and Mjrs. D. M. MeGeachy. Costume Dance At Oak Hall Tonight The annual holiday costume dance at Oak Hall will be held to night with music furnished by Bill Davenport’s orchestra. Attractive prizes have been secured for the winners of the costumes. Hendersonville, Dec. 27.—A brisk sale of 1940 automobile license plates was reported at the Hen dersonville branch of the Carolina Motor club Wednesday as Corporal Robert McNeil, of the State High way Patrol, announced that no extension would be granted for use of old plates. The 1939 licenses expire at mid night Sunday, Mr. McNeil said.