ENTERED AS SEGOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 (Ergon Brnig Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year In the Carolina# lc per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc PER copy Vol. 12. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N C., MONDAY, JAN. 22, 1940 CURB REPOfltc^ One nice thing about being in bed for a week you listen to a lot of new radio programs that you haven’t heard before. You have your own feelings adequately de scribed and are told of the many things that will cure what ails you. After awhile somebody sings a song to cheer you up or put you to sleep. The bedridden of today are living in luxury compared to those suffering in pre-radio days. The whole world, it seems, comes to your bedside to talk to you and if you get tired of any of them you can put them out without hurting anybody’s feelings . . . The Tryon Chamber of Commerce di- A °\ actors have been meeting every Mwo weeks since the new directors were elected. Any member or citi zen with suggestions for the benefit of the community should communi cate with President K. A. Bowen or write direct to the secretary of the Tryon Chamber of Com merce. The organization is seek ing ways of serving the community better . . , Rising temperature predicted for the South today. Danger of floods expected in Pennsylvania . . . Chinese claim victory near Canton . . . Mrs. Eugene Turner of Tryon, who is now with her husband in China, is recuperating from a recent ill ness . . . Tax Penalties To Start Soon Tax Collector W. C. Hague ad vises in today’s paper that penal ties on all unpaid 1939 taxes will start on February Ist, and that those desiring to avoid paying extra penalty of one percent may pay their taxes between now and February 1. Have You Listed Your 1940 Taxes Next week is the last week al lotted for the listing of 1940 tax es. The new law calls for the listing of all taxes in January in instead of April. Tax listers have posted notices of their hours of business in the various precincts of the county. In Tryon Town ship the tax lister is Jesse Rhodes and he may be found at the old town hall on Maple street. ERSKINE WOMEN TO MEET ON TUESDAY The Women’s society of the Ers kine Memorial church will meet with Miss Bessie Merrill at her home in Gillette Woods on Tues day afternoon, January 23, at 3:30. Mrs. A. T. Whittlesev and Mrs. Frank McFarland will be joint hostesses with Miss Merrill for the meeting. Rev. Chas. G. Sewall will be the sneaker and have for nis subject “The Missionary Enterprise in the Early Church.” Italian ship with 900 on board was burned at sea on Monday. Some passengers were saved by French and Italian ships that came to the rescue.