Bacon and Vining Speakers At Civic Meeting Senator F. P. Bacon and Seth M. Vining were speakers today noon at a joint meeting of the Rotary, Kiwanis and Chamber of Commerce. President K. A. Bowen of the Chamber of Commerce was in charge of the program. The Speakers gave a report of their trip on the Mayor’s Tour of Flor ida. Their reports showed that thou sands of pieces of Western North Carolina booklets were distributed, 58 newspapers published accounts the Mayor’s tour and 18 radio of Western North Carolina. They also reported that Western North Carolina needed more organized recreational activities and a bet ter program of advertising. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Reg ister of Deeds of Polk County subject to the will of the voters in the Democratic Primary. Your support is appreciated. C. W. BALLENGER. Try on For Rest and Re-Creation Edward Kinsey . formerly of New York is avail itts able now as * Vocal Teacher THANKS TO DR. DERBY The Fabous Old-Fashion Silver Fleece SAUER KRAUT Has Just Arrived from Ohio. Bulk, 12 V z c lb. Andrews & Swann 44—Phones—17 One Look is Equal to a 1000 Words . . Please See All These Cool, Clean, Juicy VEGETABLES Yellow Squash, Leaf Lettuce Green Peppers, Celery Root, Lima Beans, Pascal Celery, Fresh Peas, Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Okra French Artichokes, French Endive Broccoli, Mush rooms, Celery Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chicory, Brussel Sprouts, Spring Onions Radishes, Horse Radish Roots, Chives, Avocados, French Pineapple, Limes, Pears, Parsley, Carrots, Beets, Head. Lettuce, Rhubarb, Parsnips, S p inach, Turnip Greens, Turnips, Cranberries, Pears The BALLENGER Company