Frigidaire Ranges and Refrigerators AVA N T ELECTRIC Company Carter Wilkie Brown, student at Asheville School, and manager of the rowing crew, has gone to Rollins college with the crew which will race with the Rollins crew on Thursdayefternoon. Carter’s moth er, Mrs. C. P. Brown, Mrs. H. A. Wilkie and Austin Brown will motor to Winter Park on Wednes day to be at the race. Carter Wilkie will return with them to Tryon to spend the rest of his spring vacation. Cole Brundage of Asheville School is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. D. C. Brun dage. Mrs. Grenville Sewall and daugh ter, Clare, of Rye, N. Y., are guests of the Rev. Charles G. Sewall. FOR RENT: ©-room house un furnished. Close in $20.00 per month on year’s lease. Chas. J. Lynch.—Adv. ts. Cottage With Beautiful View.* Private road from First Avenue. Living Room. Dining Room Kitchen on first floor. Three Bed Rooms. Bath and Sleeping Porch, second floor. Large Lot. Will sell at reasonable price or is available for short or long lease. ALSO: Several choice building sites on Broadway, Whit ney Avenue and East Hill. F. H. A. Loans available for construction. i HESTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY Call W. M. HESTER, Phone 37 DRESS UP FOR EASTER A Rilling Koolerwave, cool, com fortable, and closer to the head will be a joy throughout the year. Complete Beauty Service. TRYON BEAUTY SHOP Phone one-seven-six FOR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the House of Representatives subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary of May 25th. Your support will h£ appreciated. m&s tP C. P. ROGERS. Supreme TAXI SERVICE Phone 56