First School'Poster Exhibited The first Clean-Up Week poster entered in the high school contest has been put upon the town bulle tin board at the Missildine corner. It is designed and executed by John Moore, a junior in the high school. Other posters will be ex hibited on the bulletin board as they are finished. JUBILEE SINGERS IN TRY . ON: The Jubilee Singers of Win ston-Salem, N. C., will sing at St. Luke colored Methodist church on Sunday, March 31st, at 3 o'clock p. m., and 8:30 p. m. Hear this program if you like good singing. •Reserved seats for the white Wople. W. L. Lyles, pastor.—Adv. Enjoy Horseback tvidtag. In teresting trails. Competent guide. Phone 89. Andrews Stables.—Ad ts. Attractive Bargains 10 acres Gillette Woods, S4OOO. 1,300 feet elevation. City water. Electricity Telephone available. Wonderful view. Just outside of town. Three excellent building sites. * * * * Five Room Cottage off Melrose Avenue, $4,500. * * * * Six Rooms, two baths, automatic, heat, approved by F. H. A., $6,000. Cash SBOO, balance about $42 per month. On large lot with good view. Close in. • W. M. HESTER Phone 37 or 202 American Shoe Shop A. J. ARLEDGE, OWNER AND REPAIRMAN For Quality Service and Satis faction with a Guarantee. p 11 —1 Supreme TAXI SERVICE Phone 56 New arrivals ‘at -Oak -Hall betel include Mr. and Mirs. C. J. Aus tin of Battle Creek, Mich., Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Frary of New Canaan, Conn., Mrs. D. Brown arid Mrs. C. Phillips of Bryn Miawr, Pa. The Blue Ridge Weavers offer you the opportunity of inspecting and purchasing the handiwork of the Native crafts of the Southern mountains. Here, assembled with great care and in real apprecia tion of the true beauty and natural artistic expression of these moun tain folk, you will find the most complete collection of every form of mountain handicraft—from tiny carved animals to tavern tables, from a lovely necktie to the home spun for a suit, from the dainty cocktail napkin to coverlets for the bed. You will be most agree ably impresed by this unusually wide variety of articles for your own use or as gifts. Every gift is packed in a gift box with expert care and shipped according to your directions. Our mail shipments to all, parts of the country is a special feature of the service rendered by us. Blue Ridgfc Weavers Arts & Crafts TRADE STREET ■j* 1 —**—*•"—■*—■■—»»—•*——>+ Ttryonw heateßv 1 TELEPHONE 186 | Mat. 3:30 p. m. Night 7:00 and 19:00. Sat. 1 p. m. Continuous "‘“MONDAY and TUESDAY” * Young Tom Edison* Mickey Rooney WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mae West and W. C. Fields in My Little Ghicadee FRIDAY ONLY John Wayne, Claire Trevor in Allegheny Uprising