ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 slSryrm Satlg ;Bulktm lc per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc PER copy Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year In the Carolina* Vol. 13. Kst. 1-31-28 TRYON, N C., MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1940 New Registration of Voters Is Called ———■ Sj MU Chairman Roy Baisden of the County Board of Elections has announced the call for a new registration of all voters in Polk County who wish to participate in the coming ' primary or general election in November. No matter how many times a person may have voted m the past he must register again if he wishes to vote in the coming primary which is being held this year, for the Republicans as well as the Democrats. Mr. Baisden states that registration will begin on Saturday. April 27th and close on Saturday. May 11th, until jjun sejb* at all preeincts in the county. The members of the County Elect’ll Board include Chairman Baisden, of Saluda; J. C. Walker, of Columbus; and Republican mera jj&ber, R. S. Ramsey of Columbus. The board will meet on Satur day, April 6th, at the Court house in Columbus to name the judges and registrars for the six pre cincts. There will be one registrar and two judges for .each of the townships of Columbus, Green Creek, Cooper’s Gap, Saluda, Try on and White Oak. Kiwanis Tuesday Dr. B. B. Bishop, Jr., will be in charge of the Tryon Kiwanis t lub program on Tuesday at l 'p, m., at Hotel Tryon. All Tryon is coming into bloom. Day after day sees some new flower spring to life in all its colorful beauty. Those who ride horseback oj* hike the trails find many things of interest, but for those can only take short walks within the city limits have many beautiful yards to see from the sidewalks. x one of the prettiest of these and where visitors are welcome is the garden of Mrs. James B. Hill. Here in all "theSi? wfauty are the phlox, daffodils, azaleas, forsythia, honeysuckle and many other flow ers. For those \mo motor watch for the peach trees this week on the Spartanburg highway. They are already in bloom .. . The warm weather the past few days is also bringing out tbh wild flowers in Pearson’s Palls and Glen. Ad mission to this is 25c. per per son . . . . When you are through with your magazines remember Major Sharp’s program. Magazines are left at the Bulletin office and the Miajor picks them up several times a week fbr distribution t(» those people unable to buy read ing material . . * . Pro Larry Brooks of thf Tryon Country Club participated in the., tournament at Asheville last weekend but with drew after two rounds . ... 19 Cars were .parked 'at the Tryon golf course on* Saturday . . . Pin ---.Confimted on Back Pan*