HORSE AND HOUND SHOW TODAY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 (Efrc (Ertirm Batlg tc per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc per copy Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year In the Carolinas Vol. 13. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N C., WEDNESDAY, APR. 17, 1940 Funeral Thursday For Lou Ella McGurry Funeral services for Lou Ella McCurry, 17, daughter of Mr. and C Mrs. W. M. McCurry of Lynn, Will \jy held at the Pacolet Baptist Church Thursday at 2:30 p. m. Rev. B. G. Henry will officiate, and interment will follow in the Tryon cemetery. Miss McCurry, who died late Tuesday afternoon at the hospital after a short illness, is survived by her parents; two brothers, Billy and Charles; three sisters, Mrs. Robert McMillan, Barbara and Ruby McCurry all of Lynn. CURB REPORTER Alt is still too expensive to pick G_/iH flowers within 300 feet of the public roads. Two fellow«a p peared before Justice Giles Pear son the other day for digging herbs and it cost them nearly sls each . . . Mrs. Junius R. Judson reports that the Tryon Country Club house is now available for picnics and parties. The reception room has been made attractive and put in good order. No more delightful spot exists. And it is so close in. Just right for the busy people to have picnic supper out . . . . S'partanburg paper reports that Lieut. Kyle Davenport of Landrum and Mary Lucile Morrow, daugh ter of Naval Commander and Mrs. Continued, on Back Page Scout Court Os Honor Results Given The Boy Scout Court of Honor held in the Parish House, Monday night opened with prayer by Rev. D. M. McGeachy followed with the repeating of the scout oath led by R. M. Schiele, Scout Executive. Slitting on the Court of Honor with the Chairman, Dr. C. Arthur Lincoln were Scoutmaster W. A. Schilletter, Coach M,. B. Caldwell, Rev. D. M. McGeachy, Rev. Chas. L. McGavern, C. H. Helms, J. M. Baker, R. H. Brady and Robert Dick. Jimmy Little, former Tryon Eag le Scout made a short talk on the value of Scouting. After Court Mr. Schiele showed motion pic tures of scouting in general. Scouts who were advanced in rank were: : Second Class: Jimmy Edney. Merit Badges: Architecture, Bobby Dick. Automobiling: Bill Derby. Bird Study : Tom Melton. Book Binding: Harrison Bridg man, Jr. Carpentry: Bill Derby. Camping: Tom Melton. Civics: Dick Arthur. Conservation: Bill Derby. Cooking: Holland Brady. Farm Mechanics: Lock Mc- Geachy, Bill Derby. Firemanship: Edwin Cromer, Marion Edwards. First Aid To Animals: Bill Der by, Holland Brady, Tom Melton, Phil Mlorris, Paul Butler, Bobby Dick. Jimmie Baker. Forestry: Bobby Dick. Handicraft: Paul Butler. Hiking: Tom Melton. Reptde Study: Paul Butler. _ Continued on Bade Fage .