ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 ©p Batlg lc per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) 1c per copy Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year In the Carolinas Vol. 13. Est. 1-31-28 Attention Galled to Markers In Primary The 1939 General Assembly made a very drastic change in the use of markers in primaries. The only voters who may be assisted in the marking of their ballots are those who cannot read and those who by reason of phy sical handicap, such as blindness, paralysis or other disabling defect, are unable to mark their ballot. In an official opinion, tha At torney General ruled that only those illiterates registered under the Grandfather Clause of the Constitution were entitled to as sist by reason of their inability to read. When a voter is entitled to as sistance in the marking of the ballot, he must obtain the assis tance from a near relative, (hus band and wife; parent and child; brother and sister; or grandparent and grandchild) but if no such .near relative is present, he may jfthen ask any other voter of the precinct who has not assisted anv other voter, to give him the assis tance. If, however, there is pres ent no near relative, or other voter who has not marked another ballot the voter may then, but only then, call upon the registrar or a judge of elections for assistance. The registrar is required to keep a record of all voters who receive assistance and the names of the persons giving assistance. It is not only unlawful for anv person to give assistance, but also unlawful for any person to receive or permit assistance except under the terms of the Act. The Act does not prevent mem- Continued on Back Page TRYON, N C., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1940 Baccalaureate Service Sunday Evening Tryon School; At 8:00 P. M. Processional—Mrs. Walter Jones. Invocation—Rev. D. M. Me- Geachy. Anthem, ‘'‘Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart” (Messiter) —High School Chorus. Hymn, “My Country ’Tis of Thee”—Congregation. Scripture Reading: Prov. 3:13-26 —Rev. C. L. McGavern. Prayer—Rev. B. G. Henry. Anthem, “Mlake A Joyful Noise” (Groton) —High Stehool Chorus.* Sermon: “Real Life In A Chang ing World”—Rev. Edward M. Graham. Hymn, “Faith of Our Fathers” —Congregation. Benediction—Dr. C. A. Lincoln. Recessional—Mrs. Walter Jones. Open Fishing Season To Begin June 10th W. R. McLean, Special Agent for the Conservation and Development Department of North Carolina, stated today that the open season for bass, crapie, perch, bream will open on Monday, June lOtth. The closed season on trout will begin September Ist. Mr. McLean said “the, depart ment- wishes to stress the fact that all who are planning to fish this season should first secure a license or a permit.” The agent stated that a fine would be administered to anyone caught without the proper license. Tuberculosis is largely a “poor man’s” disease.