Famine! Thousands of refugees are facing staryation in Europe. They will turn, inevitably, to us and if we are to be of aid, it is essential that we act NOW. For this purpose an 'Organization is being formed and has for its aims the following: ITo procure donations of surplus fruits and vegetables for canning. 2 To urge all farmers and garden owners to make extra plantings of food for donations. 3 To enroll volunteers fdr the work of canning, packing, etc. I 4 To be affiliated with jbhe REI> CROSS or such other authorized organization soy distribu tion of food. \ 5 To solicit funds to defray the minor ex penses of canning, transportation, etc. The Pacolet Plantation has offered the facilities of its canning kitchen; various supplies have been pledged and active co-operation from many quarters indicated. This is the initial step and as plans develop, details will be announced. An application has been made to carry this endeavor forward under the auspices of the Polk County Chapter AMERICAN RED CROSS