“More Than Forty-Five Years In Drugs” The Rexall Store MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY - Phone No. 4 Every Prescription is Compounded by a Registered Druggist. Mountain Dew-ings At Saluda By Adulas, August 6 Among the younger smart social set, Sara Graydon with her house party guests were participating in fun and frolic at the Henderson ville street-dance. Many cards are being received by friends from Janie and John T. Coates saying they are really hav ing an elegant time at the New York World’s Fair and also wish ing some of their Mlountain Top per friends could join them. A friend receiving a very in viting card from Charleston read like this. “Having wonderful time, (don’t) wish you were here. But this is entirely ‘off the record.’” Signed, Zil and Eilrahc . . . let’s turn the tables, eh, Toodles! Here’s the break you’ve been waiting for girls! The lone ranger from Texas has just ar rived and his name is none than J. N. Nabers . . . and he’ll be here several days too. We’ e mighty glad to have you back “Jake.” Among new visitors on The Mountain are: Mrs. Leah S l . Rob ins, Mirs. Mildred Stewart and Mr. Tee Smithe from West Palm Beach. Fla., house-guesting with “Faye” and Wade Boling .... Mr. and Mrs. Leighton D. Capps, Jr., and “Auntie,” Mrs. Emily Parr IN SALUDA You Can Get KALMIA DAIRY Pasteurized Grade “A” Milk Products From H. L. CAPPS’ STORE from New York visiting Mayor and Mrs. H. L. Capps, S'r. SIDEWALK SIDELIGHTS .... Dolf Vermont, “Fiats” Gibbs and Roy Mlac Spratt “toot ing” around like Gabriel on main street . . . Clever young writer, Mary Jane Pidgeon with Cecil Wil liams indulging in tennis ’most every morning . . . Mary Johnson coco-colaing with Pajul Lantrip, Jr. . . . “Blame it on Love” says Gene Brandon, presenting it for his many friends . . Mary Julia hopping around with a bad toe. . . . Kay and Muriel wearing sun glasses to do their early morning, shopping. This is all today folks.* Delicious Orangeade and Choco late Milk are favorites with guests and help make entertaining easier. Your KALMIA DAIRY milk man will bring it to your door readv to serve. Phone 149.—Adv. tl. Prints For Back to School Dresses Cloth of Gold Prints, yd. 20c Good grade Prints, yd..,15c i (Fast Colors) * Two Pieces Lawns and Batiste, close outs at per yard 18 C 3'/ 2 vd. Wash Silk Lengthjs $1.75 Ladies’ Step-Ins j>s c Princess Slips SI.OO Printed Pajamas SI.OO JACKSON’S “We Deliver” Phone 14