OWEN’S PHARMACY NYAL SERVICE DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 202 The Mollie Morris circle will meet on Monday at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Dewey Cooksey in th e valley. Mrs. Miorgan Morris and Mrs. Mangum will be in charge of the program. VMlss Eugenie Sarre of Wash ington, D. C. is th ft guest of Miss Margaret Sprague. The Carr Lumber Co. of Bre vard will play the new Tryon Nine in baseball at Harmon Field at 3:30 p. m. Today. The public is invited to attend evangelistic services being con ducted in a tent located near the ing at 7:45 each night and 3 p. m. on Sunday by Rev. H. G. and Harold Liner, father and son evan gelists. Tryon For Rest and Ro-Creation For Sale: 6.. room., house, Valley section. 5 acres of land, mostly under cultivation. Elec tricity. Also own water supply. An excellent value at $5,000. E. Perry Manville, Real Estate, In surance, Agency for ALL AIR LINES. Adv 3ic IN SALUDA You Can Get -'KAIAIIA DAIRY Pasteurized Grade “A” Milk Products From H. L. CAPPS’ STORE iiMB ■ 11 —ii »■—M—l|—Mß—||i»w Mi—■ —l ■' ■ 1 » 1 • ; J,B. HESTER W M. HESTER ' i ♦jrance Since 1905 Real Estate Since 1921- s ! Hester Real Estate & Insurance Agency j Phone No. 37 — Hestei Building, Tryon, N. C. £ Dr. George Far rand Taylor will conduct the service, and preach at The Erskine Memorial church this coming Sunday. Sub ject of sermon, “Christ’s View of a Democratic Man” and will be a new interpretation of one of the most famous parables of Christ. ' ~ Apples for Sale Graded. Delicious for eating and cooking. Fred Arledge Saluda, N. C. v. , ■ i Kalmia Dairy Phone 149 GRADE‘A’ Pure Pasteurized MILK Kalmia Datro *■ ■ ■ ■■ - -