ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 3Jlje ffirgrm JSulktm per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc PER copy Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 13. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON. N. C., THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1940 Picturesque Tryon The beautiful, picturesque little acity of Tryon, which attracts num- Joers of Spartans as commuters, draws its cosmopolitan population from far and near, and that is but natural. Tryon has much to offer the health seeker, the pleasure seeker, the student lover of na ture. Tryon is not ‘‘at the foot of the Blue Ridge”; it is part and parcel of that range, and its ever lasting hills rise in majesty and grandeur with their tossing pines, oaks and beeches, mixed and mingled with ornamental and flow ering trees of various kinds. There is a spirit of progress and unison in evidence in Tryon. It reaches full expression in its civic clubs, where team work is maintained in a manner that brings results. Local problems which otherwise w T ould remain un . solved are handled by these agen cies. When one has been solved Pothers are taken in sequence, with each mastered. Tryon Kiwanians are a fine group of representative men work ing in bonds of community inter est in which first things find first "lire. Without neglecting civic issues and ventures which add to and enhance the distinction of a town constructive programs are incessantly being framed and de veloped to provide for the less fortunate and favored. The achieve r-frits to this end only incite the clubmen to further and diversified efforts in a field where endless possibilities exist to typify the spirit of the Good Samaritan or . Continued On Back Page $1.50 Year In the Carolina^ Polk County Farms Get Electricity The County Agent just received information from the N. C. R. E. A concerning electricity on the farm in Polk County. In 1934 Polk County among other North Caro lina counties ranked 73rd among them in number of rural custom ers. In 1940 this placing had been brought up to s”oth place. In regard to number of miles of rural lines in Polk County it ranked 74th in 1934 but has been brought up to 53rd place in 1940. Some of the increase in rural mileage and consumption has been brought about by the cooperation of Rutherfordton Rural Electrifi cation Association and part of it by the Duke Power Company. The N. C. R. E. A. reports that there were 21,066.20 miles of rural electrical lines in North Caro lina on July Ist. Os this amount public utilities own 13,574.59 miles, municipalities 1,184.60 miles, and R. E. _A. 6,307.20 miles. Hobby Show To Be Held At Hendersonville Hendersonville’s Fall Festival will be featured this year with a hobby show on October 17, 18, 19. Tryon and all people in this sec tion are invited to enter their hobbies in the exhibit and attend the show. Anyone interested may write Mrs. P. H. Jackson, Box 31, Hendersonville or Mrs. Edmond Ford, Phone 319-J at the Waverly sHouse.