A Letter to Teachers! .... ' i Dear Mjr. Vining: This is the first time I have ever written a personal letter to The Bulletin. I do so in behalf of the Training School which meets next Tuesday for its second ses sion. We had a splendid atten dance of 158. Breaking that down we find that 57 were high school students, and that more than half of the remainder were auditors for Dr. Sewall’s lecture and for my Discussion Class, led, in my ab sence last week by Dr. S*ewall. The weakness of the attendance is at that point for which the school was primarily founded and which it is designed to help. Namely— assistance to our TEACHERS in our Sunday schools. Day school teachers go through a long and extensive preparation before teach ing. Our Sunday school teachers who have an equally important task depend on their own ability, devotion and what training each church affords. This school of ours is intended to supplement that training. We have a roll of ex cellent leaders coming to us from our local churches, from Saluda and Spartanburg. These classes are worth attending and I am writing to ask you to be the me dium by which I may appeal to the teachers of our Church Schools to come and bring to the classes the results of their helpful experience as well as to come and get help from their peers and our excellent leaders. I do hope our teachers will come this next Tuesday in in creasing numbers. Sincerely, , George Farrand Taylor. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Church of the Holy Cross will meet on Monday, October 7th, at 3:30 o’clock with Miss Harriet Taylor. The study of the Findings of the Madras Conference on In ternational Relations and the Church’s Relation to the Social and Economic Order, will be continued. Mrs. Maude C. Edwards and Miss Thelma Mills are spending the weekend in Charlotte. Sam Walker’s automobile was struck by the 9:22 passenger train this morning at the railroad cross ing opposite Supreme Service sta tion. Mr. Walker was not injured, but the car was bent up consider ably. One more reason for moving part of the Oak Hall bank. It may save a life as well as valuable property. Edward Sayre of North Caro lina State College is spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Croxton of New York City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bates. Henry McGeachy of Davidson college is home for the weekend with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. M, McGeachy. It is unlawful to pick flowers the State of North Carolina, within SOO feet of any Highway in __ . % i * Kdimid Dairij