ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 (Etje ®rgmt ißatlg lc per copy (The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc PER COPY Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year in the Carolinas Vol. 13. Est. 1-31-28 KIWANIS ACTIVITIES C. J. Lynch had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis club program on Tuesday and reviewed some of J»e activities of the club and 7%ed the members to check up on tneir work and make plans for the coming year. He stated that six wheel chairs were now in service to invalids in this section; another chair had been promised, but still more were needed to take care of the demands for them. George Cathey, C. M. Eargle, R. H. Brady, Tom Costa and C. J. Lynch were appointed to make plans for the annual Trade street Christmas decoration with lighted trees. Dr. J. E. Derby was made chairman of a committee to get flags for the schools; a commit tee will be appointed by Presi dent Wilson to make a survey of the annual Christmas basket dis tribution to the needy. $26 was appropriated to reimburse Thomas Costa for labor and material in planting the bank opposite Hotel program next week will be in charge of C. W. Nessmith. Saluda School Goes Over The Top In Jr. Red Cross The Saluda high school and grammar schools, under the direc tion of Mrs. Clara F. Watson, went Over the top. in the Junior Red Cross campaign this week and turned in $5.05, representing 50 cents for each room or one cent for each pupil. Sunny View and Tryon are yet to be heard from. Lynn, Mill Spring, Columbus, Green Creek and Saluda schools have all responded 100 per cent. TRYON, N C., WED., NOVEMBER 27, 1940 Thanksgiving In Tryon All the stores, bank and library will be closed all day. Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Episcopal church at 10:30 with the Rev. D. M. McGeachy of the Presby terian church, preaching the ser mon. The Scientists will have their service at Lanier li brary at 11 o’clock. Topic: “Thanksgiving.” The Court House in Columbus will be closed. The Bulletin will not be issued that day. Many of those who don’t go off to a football game will be listening over the radio. “Escape” with Norma Shearer and Robert Taylor will be shown at Tryon Theatre. E. W. Willard writes from Mon treal, Canada, that taxes are high er on luxuries there. A two pound package of coffee that sells for 25 cents in Tryon, costs 35 cents in Montreal. The Montreal paper also reproduced an editorial from the Charlotte Observer which called for more aid to Britain . . . Roger Babson wants to sell the Bulletin an article predicting that “War or Peace” business will be better in 1941 than since 1929. Hope he is right .... The an _ Continued on Back Page —