OWEN’S PHARMACY™" WALGREEN AGENCY DRUG STORE * store ” Recommended By Defense Committee In a recent statement of policy issued by National Headquarters of the Committee to Defend Ameri ca by Aiding the Allies, we read the following: “1. Aid to the Allies and American defense, which are parts of the same problem, can only be accomplished by very greatly increased Amer ican arms production. The battle for civilization and democracy may be won or lost on the American assembly line. To this end we will sup port the President in the use of his full legal powers under a state of national emergency if necessary, to mobilize at once all the industrial re sources of the nation for max imum production. Whatever executive authority of the President must be used; what ever additional authority from Congress must be secured— all of these should be mobiliz ed for tremendous industrial production for supplying our selves and the allies.” This committee has opportuni ties for fact finding that none of us possess. Can we do better than to follow their leadership? They are not swayed by sectionalism or hysteria. The measures they have advocated have proved beneficial to the cause we are all fighting for. Let us support them. —E. G. C. FOR THE FAMILY: Album of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony in C. Minor on VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS. AVANT ELECTRIC CO. Phone 51.—Advertisement. Drive out to see us. We have a Large * Stock of Tryon Wines—Dry and Semi-Dry. E. C. VOLLMER The Bulletin Anywhere in the United States Six Months for £2. FOR FATHER: DESK LAMP, adjustable to anv desired position. $1.25 up. AVANT ELECTRIC CO' Phone 51. —Advertisement. Hear Mark Wollner, internation' ally known violinist at Lanier Library on Wednesday, December 11, at 8 p. m. Admission 50c. Pro ceeds for the benefit of the library fund.—Adv. 5,7, 9. Building Service F. H. A. Terms on lots in Thou sand Pines, Glenwalden and Over brook sections of Gillette Woods. You pick the lot—our architect will plan the house—and we will deliv er so you—ready for occupancy, including landscaping of site, for as little as 10% cash, balance $25 to SSO per month, including insurance, taxes. Gillette Estates, Inc. W. M. Hester, Manager. “Ice-cold Coea-tW^^