OWEN’S PHARMACY WALGREEN AGENCY DRUG STORE Store ” Outstanding Boy During The Past Year Joseph Stockton of- the Green Creek Club has been voted the out standing 4-H club boy during the year 1940. Joe was a member of the State Championship Crops Judging Team in February. He participated in the Health Coro nation and competed record books in both corn and cotton. Joe was first place at the 4-H Fair in the cotton and corn exhibits. In ad dition he has purchased a very nice Guernsey cow and is selling the milk to the Carnation Milk route; the milk checks bring him about sll per month. Joe graduated from Green Creek high school last spring. He is now at home farming, milking him cow, saving his money and plans to enter college next fall. “Buster” Brown of the U. S. Marines, has returned to Paris Island, S. C., after spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown. Higher agricultural income is the principal reason why an in creasing number of tenant* farm ers have bought farms this year, says the Farm Credit Administra tion. Give us your order today for value Christmas Cards. 50 \ for sl. Cannot guarantee delivery ». on orders for these cards after V the 10th. You should see our fine r\ line of higher priced cards. They’re . \ the best we’ve seen. Buy now for * \ immediate delivery. Elbert Ar ledge, Printer.—Adv. Drive out to see us. We have a Large Stock of Trvon Wines—Dry and Semi-Dry. E. C. VOLLMER Building Service F. H. A. Terms on lots in Thou sand Pines, Glenwalden and Over brook sections of Gillette Woods. You pick the lot—our architect will plan the house—and we will deliv er to you—ready for occupancy, including landscaping of site, for as little as 10% cash, balance $25 to SSO per month, including insurance, taxes. Gillette Estates, Inc. W. M. Hester, Manager. m OUR COMPLETE LINE of W DAIRY PRODUCTS Now Includes BOTH GRADE “A” PASTEURIZED MILK and RAW MILK Kdlmid Ddiru