Life Getting You Down? Better See Your Doctor and Remem ber Only Registered Druggists Fill Your Prescriptions at Missildine’s Pharmacy Phone No. 4. Called for and Delivered. EXIT THE “APPEASER” If there was ever a time when we needed to weigh our words, examine our phrases and “slo gans”, and cast overboard a lot of senseless expressions it is the present. The White Committee for De fending America by Aiding the Allies is doing a good service to the country in this respect. Among other statements of policv in its recent pronouncement is one regarding appeasement, a word being bandied about of late with no clear understanding of what it implies. In many gath erings of those who hope to be heard for their much speaking, the opinion is being expressed that we might as well face the possibility of making terms with the so called new order of world affairs, (merely a new name of the old order of Germany-over-all) and get down to business; business meaning trade with somebody. The “loud speakers” do not follow through to the extent of defining the issue or explaining how a country with our form of govern ment and economic set up could trade on any conceivable basis with a Hitlerized world. Mr. White clears the issue by saying: “If Hitler were in power there would be a short armistice entirely favorable to him. Did it help Nor way to guard carefully her neu trality? Did it help Czechoslova kia to capitulate? Look at peace ful Denmark. We shall not be attacked because of our moral attitude but because of our world ly goods. A robber who knocks out his man at night does not in quire as to his politics. Appeasement is treason to Democracy. Dr. Robt. Millikan of the California Institute of Tech nology in a recent broadcast said: “If the present world catastro- TRYON MOTOR CO Inc • Chevrolet phies can have the effect of wak ing up the democracies to take their ostrich heads out of the sand and begin to look around at the dangers that confront them and then take proper action to guard against them, it may pos sibly compensate for the terrific losses already entailed and still in prospect . . . Eternal vigilance is the price of progress. The Wm. Allen White Committee is unquestionably the largest, the best known, and the most effec tive organization to combat the i return of the isolation sentiment which is still active, and which actually serves the purpose of our deadliest enemies.” Join your local chapter of the defense committee. Keep inform ed and ready for action.—E.G.C. OLD HATS MADE NEW Cleaned and Blocked. Hand-mad? Hats to order. Your material used. Miss C. M. Campbel l . Whit ney Avenue. Phone 45-J. Godshaw Hill.—Adv. 13, 14, 17 c. Building Service F. H. A. Terms on lots in Thou sand Pines, Glenwalden and Over brook sections of Gillette Woods. You pick the lot—our architect will plan the house—and we will deliv er to you—ready for including landscaping of site, foM as little as 10% cash, balance® $25 to SSO per month, including insurance, taxes. Gillette Estates, Inc. For Good Riding Phone Newman Stables Fine Saddle Horses PHONE *199