J. B. HESTER W, M. HESTER Insurance Since 1906 Real Estate Since 1922 Hester Real Estate & Insurance Agency Phone Nq. 37 —Hestei Building, Tryon, N. C. Tryon High Basketball Season Opens Tuesday Night The Tryon high school boys will open their basketbal lseason Tues day night at the Tryon gym meet ing Stearns high of Columbus. The visitors have already played sever al games and are slated to play the locals on even terms. The Tryon team with the loss of sev eral veterans from their cham pionship squad of last year are Rebuilding an entire new team aided by several new men and re-, turning regulars. The only indi cation of the strength of the locals was an afternoon scrimmage with th e Landrum quintet which ended in a one-sided score for Tryon. The game will start at 7:30. The Tryon team has been prac ticing for about ten days with about twenty-five men out. Phil Morris and Dick Arthur are scheduled to build fire by rub bing two sticks together tonight at the Boy Stout Court of Honor at the Parish House. It is a damp day and their tender may not be dry enough. The struggle in mak ing fire this way permeates the and people rise to their P 2t wanting to help and when . .ctory i s finally achieved the boys get a big hand from the audience. Tryon For Rest and Re-Creation FOR SALE: MOUNTAIN LADY / .J Tu / Beautiful, 5-gaited, 7-year-old saddle-horse rtiareffwice shown at Madison Square Gardens. Gentle, wMUrraihed R. L. Shuford, Jr., Deepdene, Newton, N. C. Major W. A. Schilletter, B. O. Byers and P. G. Morris of Ft. Jackson spent the weekend at their homes in Tryon. TTRYONp! HEATE If TELEPHONE 186 Mat. 3:30 p. m. Night 7:00 and I 9:00. Sat. 1 p. m. Continuous j AND TUESDAY* Errol Flynn, Brendal Marshall in THE SEA HAWK Added: News and Cartoon. WEDNESDAY ONLY Ann Sothem, Lee Bowman in “Gold Rush Maisie” THURSDAY and FRIDAY Randolph Scott, Kay Francis in When The DALTONS RODE Added: Musical and Cartoon. SATURDAY ONLY George O'Brien in PRAIRIE LAW