ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTES AUGUST 20, 1929, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 ®rgtm Batlu lc PER copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc PER COPY Seth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year in the Carolinas Vol. 13. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 1941 CURB REPORTER Sometimes the curb reporter is teased about being enthusiastic about Tryon. There is a misun derstanding in the use of the name. Tryon in name is just a post office for the convenience of the public. Physically speaking the majority of the store buildings in Tryon are owned by people living in Spartanburg, Hender sonville, Mill Spring, Rutherford ton, Asheville, Washington, Mar ion and other places. Over 25 of our business men on Trade street live outside the city limits an