ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN lc per copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc per COPY SEth M. Vining, Editor $1.50 Year in the Carolinas Vol. 14. Est. 1-31-28 Federal Income Tax Officer Here to Help Taxpayers James E. Carraway of Ashe ville, federal deputy collector of internal revenue, is at the Try on ' Wednesday for the purpose of as sisting anyone in making out Fed eral Income Tax reports. COMMUNICATIONS Dear Mr. Nessmith: “Scattergood Baines” booked in the Tryon Theatre opening Feb. 28th is the premiere showing of this picture in North Carolina. It is a pleasure to give you this premiere showing on “Scatter good Baines” because of the fine response of your patrons to Lum and Abner in “Dreaming Out Loud”. “Scattergood Baines” is another home folks picture and all those who enjoyed Lum and Abner will really appreciate “Scattergood Baines”. h Sincerely yours, ' RKO RADIO PICTURES, Inc. J. B. Brecheen, Mgr. Green Creek Seniors To Presen’ 3-Act Play The S rior class of Green Creek high t >hool will present “Hob goblin on Saturday, Mar. Ist, at 8 p. m., in the school au ditorium. The public is cordially invited to see this mystery-farce in three acts by Jay Tobias. U. S. rations aluminum. Metal for defense purposes comes first, then private orders can be filled. TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 1941 Junior Order to Install The members of the New Coun cil Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics will hold their in itiatory service this Wednesday. Thirty-five members of Degree Team will come down from Bilt more and Asheville to confer the degrees and. install the new offi cers. The members of the new council from Greer will also visit Tryon to see the work confered. This meeting should have been held several weeks ago but influ enza and misunderstanding be tween Greer and Tryon and De gree Team has caused the delay. Chas. Holsonback, state secretary of South Carolina; Olin D. John ston, former governor of South Carolina, and Press Devore, South Carolina game warden will also be present. The meeting will not conflict with prayer meeting as work will starte later. R. A. Wilson and Robert S l . McFarland will have charge of the meeting. Annual Meeting Polk County Stockholders of Farmers Mederation The annual meeting of the Polk County stockholders of the Farm ers Federation will be held in the Tryon Federation warehouse on Monday, March 3, at 10 a. m. James G. K. McClure, president of the Farmers Federation, will give a report on the year’s busi ness, and Joe Wilson, Polk Coun ty farm agent, has been invited to speak. Music will be furnished by the Farmers Federation string band, and coffee and doughnuts will be served