OWEN'S PHARMAGY TELE |foNE2O2 WALGREEN AGENCY DRUG STORE -The Preecrivt.™ Soldiers Leave Saturday For Fort Jackson Chairman Julian B. Hester of the Polk County Draft Board states that the following Polk County men will leave Tryon Saturday morning for induction in the army service at Fort Jack son, S. C. John Martin Waldrop, R. F. D. 2, Mill Spring, N. C. Buford Turner, Tryon. Ed. Green, Lynn. Floyd McQueen Green, R. F. D. 3, Landrum, S. C. Charles Walter Ormand, Colum bus, N. C. COLORED BAZAAR The Y. W. C. A. will have a bazaar in the basement of the C. M. E. church on the 17th of April beginning at 7:30. We hope all who hear about it will reserve this night and come help us. We are raising money for Y. W. C. A’s 60th anniversary from 20 to 26 of April.—Ad 7, 10, 14, 16 p. EASTER LILIES, POTTED PLANTS, CORSAGES. Leave your order at Owen’s Pharmacy for Easter Flowers. Mrs. Cook sey, formerly of Tryon Flower Shop.—Adv. 5,7, 9, 11. S' TKAPE-MAH K TRYON MOTOR CO. Chevrolet RUMMAGE SALE: The Wo man’s Society of the Methodist church will hold a rummage sale Saturday, April 12th, beginning at 10:30 at the old Town Hall. Anyone having rummage may leave at the Orange Front Gro cery.—Adv. 9, 10, 11. : —■—v BIRD PRINTS A Very Large and Distinguish ed Collection of Bird Prints • by Gould * Also Bird Prints i • by Catesby ” • by Martinet • and Reinagle THE BLUE DOOR Spartanburg, S. C. v . TT R YQN|>l HEATEIfj TELEPHONE 186 i i Mat. 3:30 p. m Night 700 and! *9:00 Sat. 1 p. m. Continuous j i r J WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ROAD SHOW | FRIDAY ONLY She Couldn’t Say No On our stage—the greatest cow boy show on earth—The Rio Grande Rangers SATURDAY ONLY Oklahoma Renegades On the stage—The Rio Grande Rangers with a complete change of program.