TRYON iVIUAUKLU, Inv 'vnevrotet President Julian B. Hester of the Try on Bank & Trust Company has been appointed Polk County chairman to raise money for the United Service Organizations for National Defense, Inc. The money will be turned over to the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Salvation Army, Jewish and Catholic wel fare groups for their recreation centers near the army camps, none of these organizations can function without money. The government plans to provide the needed buildings. The total cost of the recreation work is estimated at $11,000,000. Bobby Dick and Phil Morris Entertain at Dance Tonight Bobby Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick and Philip Mor ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Morris will entertain about 75 young people of the high school group this evening with a dance at the Lake Lanier Tea House. Oscar Sullivan of Lynn is in St. Luke’s hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hilliard, who have been in Miss Hudson’s Treehaven apartment, have gone to Martha’s Vineyard for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Flen- tye of Aurora; 111., will arrive 9) Saturday for a visit with Mr. Flentye’s mother, Mrs. Alice R. Flentye. Mrs. H. R. Martin and baby have returned home from St. Luke’s hospital. v Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cooper of Spartanburg have rented the P. S. Cecil house on Lake Lanier for the summer. Picnic supplies and decorated \ napkins and plates at ANDREWS | & SWANN’S.—Advertisement. \ The Bulletin anywhere in the hL S. 6 months for S 1 Don’t throw away your old shoes! We can rebuild them as solid and sound as the day you bought them! For curb service and guaranteed work, drive up to our door. AMERICAN SHOE SHOP, opposite Tryon Fuel Sup ply.—Adv. fri ts. Calling All Dog Owners! Your dogs must wear 1941 rabies vaccine tags or they will be killed. It is a state law, and not a cam paign against dogs but against rabies. Bring dogs to Town Hall and have them, vaccinated Satur day, May 24, from 1:30 Oto 4:00 P M.—Adv. 22, 23 “ADMIRING GLANCES” Will be yours after we have given your shoes a beauty treatment. Let us explain this economical service to you. Tryon Shoe Hospital KEEP COOL —with — Johns ■ Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation • Pneumatically “Blown” into your present home ... No dirt . . . Train ed installation crew. IPhone or see E. Perry Manville Phone 71 - Tryon «- -J