Big Jar Tussy Vacation Cleansing Cream sl, at MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY. Phone 4 Dr. Joseph C. Placak and sons, Dr. Joseph Placak, Jr., and Fred Placak, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Costa while making plans for the building of the Placak home on property recently bought from Burton Williams at the foot of Skyuka Mountain. Mrs. G. J. Cherry of Charles ton is occupying her summer home in Tryon on Melrose Ave. FOR SALE OF RENT: Very desirable cottage at Lake Lanier. A bargain either way. Furnish ed. Telephone Tryon 300, Hark ness Smith.—Adv. 19, 23, thu-mtf \ FOR SALE: Homes, lots, es tates, farms, large and small, acreage. Also houses and apart ments for rental. E. Perry Man ville, Real Estate, Insurance, Air Line Tickets.—Adv. ts. Insure Your Car With R. E. BRANTLEY State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company. Phones 217-219 Tryon, N. C. ADS TRYON MOTOR CO Inc - che vr olTT Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross and daughter, Betsy, of Evanston, 111., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Brintnall at Seven Hearths. *Mr. Ross is Mrs. Brintnall’s son. ROCK HOUSE ror sale in Pickens Park; also a number of attractive building lots from S3OO to SSOO each. All conveniences. Apply to G. Harrison Bridgeman, Tryon, N. C.—Adv. ts. LAKE LANIER DOCK IS j OPEN FOR SWIMMING Per Person (day privilege) 25c SEASON TICKETS Single Ticket $ 5.00 Family Ticket SIO.OO »•- i „ TTR YON w%\ HE ATE ■*! TELEPHONE 186 j Mat. 3:30 p. m. Night 7:00 an»t{ 9:00. Sat. lp.m. Continuous* 1 i -■ .J WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Paul Muni, Gene Tierney in HUDSON’S BAY* FRIDAY ONLY Burgess Meredith, Irene Hervey in SAN FRANCISCO DOCKS SATURDAY ONLY Cesar Romero, Patricia Morrison in Romance of the Rio Grande