Big Jar Tussy Vacation Cleansing Cream sl, at MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY. Phone 4 Here On Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. William Mullett Richardson of Dover, Delaware, are spending their honeymoon at the home of Mrs. H. C. Metcalf in Columbus. Mrs. Richardson will be remembered in Tryon as the former Miss Antonie Velle man of Germany, who made her home with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brooks and at Mrs. Metcalf’s. She took an active part in the Drama Fortnightly little theatre while here, taking the feminine lead in a number of plays. After leav ing Tryon she was graduated with honors from the Woman’s College of the University of Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson expect to be here until Tuesday. LOST: A gold chain bracelet. Finder please return to Bulletin office and receive reward. 20,21,23 p Gifts See the attractive articles of Pewter in our window. They make nice gifts. Hand wrought trays, platters, nut bowls, salt dish es, match boxes, napkin rings, mats for hot dishes, etc., etc., APPALACHIAN HANDWEAVERS Mountain Industries Next to Post Office and on Asheville Highway Opposite Ice Plant F. P. Bacon, Proprietor TRYON, North Carolina Special Meeting A special meeting of Jeff L. Nelson Lodge No. 605 A. F. & A. M. is called for Sunday morning at 10:30 at Missildine’s hall for the purpose of attending church service in a body to Tryon Metho dist church to celebrate St. John’s Day. Visiting Masons cordially invited to participate with us. By Order of the W. M. W. E. Kilpin, Acting Master. (Advertisement 20, 21 p) _ MAN’S DAY PROGRAM. Sun day afternoon at 3:30 p. m., the men will render a special pro gram of singing and speaking. James Waddell, Jr., will also make his first attempt to exort for this program. Quartets will sing. Pub lic invited. Rev. White, Pastor. — Adv. 20, 21. p.