GENERAL BALLENGER BUILDING REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES m XT n JOHN S. BLACKWELL Tryon ’ N ° Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooper and daughter, Miss Grace Cooper, of Marshalltown, lowa, and a grand son, John Griffin Cooper, of Washington, D. C., have left af ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Acker. Mr. and Mrs. C. m/ Woodhull of S'ummit, N. J., have leased the Rivers cottage near Lindcourt . Drive through C. J. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Mellen C. Mar tin of Chicago have arrived in Tryon for an inspection of their property in the and are guests for a few days at Melrose Lodge. The Martins fiave been making extensive im provements, building a guest house, garage and making plans for the big house. For You^r FOURTH OF JULY NEEDS Paper Cups, Plates, Napkins, Forks and Spoons all at 10c each Good Assortment of CHEESE SPREADS and MEAT SPREADS; Duke’s and Kraft MAYONNAISE and SALAD DRESSINGS; PICKLES; OLIVES; GINGER ALE and JUICES; COOKIES and CRACKERS. Give us your order early Thursday morning for CHICKENS (We will be closed all day Friday. Wishing all a safe and happy Fourth of July). ■ JR | M fLW * Ralph S. Jackson, Mgr. J A vKbUN 9 TRYON, N. C. Dressmaking and Doncas ter Dresses. Apply to Mrs. Florence Averill, phone 324-J, Tryon.—Adv. w’s. TRADE-MARK