CURB REPORTER A large number of unmarried women have been seen making baby clothes lately, probably due to the war. Read the Red Cross article in this issue of The Bulle etin. There are over 100 women knitters in Tryon who are con tributing their spare time to the British War Relief Work Room, and according to an advertisement in Wednesday’s Bulletin they have knitted over 1,000 garments of woolen clothing. They weighed 466 pounds. A pair of socks weighs only five ounces, but they made over 500 of them. Long sleeve sweaters weigh a pound each, and 60 of them were made since last December. There are 100 coun ties in North Carolina and if each —Continued on Next Page Heaters (COAL and WOOD) Living Room Suites Studio Couches Occasional Chairs Breakfast Suites Linoleum Rugs Bed Room Suites Beds, Springs, Mattresses Wood and Coal Ranges EASY TERMS T. E. KELL FURNITURE Fresh Today Broccoli Bunch Beets Cauliflower Celery Hearts Iceberg Lettuce Parsley Spring Onions Brussels Sprouts Winter Spinach Celery Okra Carrots Home Grown Beans Green Peas Lima Beans Yellow Squash Persian Melons Honey Dew Melons Cantaloupes Bartlett Pears Persian Limes gufizitri •pjeade' ANDREWS & CO. 44—Phones—17