ROTARY FRIDAY Mortimer E. Flack will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary club program on Friday at 1 p. m., at Sunnydale. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Parmelee have returned to Tryon from Maine where they spent the sum mer. Get your burning permits to day. R. B. Williams, Forest War den, Polk County.. Miss Katharine Hamilton has returned to her home in Gillette Woods after spending the summer in the East. The nation’s entire surface transportation system, including railroads, water and motor car riers, is being studied by a Con gressional board to determine fu ture possibilities in defense. FOR RENT: Five room house in Landrum. Apply at Dempsey’s Case in Landrum.—Adv. 1, 3* Fresh Shipment Royal Scarlet Thin Mints and Peanut Brittle. ANDREWS' & CO. Phone 17 or 44.—Advertisement. For Sale: In Pacolet Hills, eight rooms house, guest house, double garage, 15 acres, exceptionally beautiful mountain view, attrac tively planted. Apply to G. Harri son Bridgeman, Tryon.—Adv. ts, NEW FALL LINE OF DON CASTER DRESS SAMPLES' just received. Come see them. Mrs. Florence Averill, Dressmaker, Grady Avenue. —Adv. w. ts. Mrs. J. S. (Dick) Kell bakes delicious home-made cakes, deco rated for birthdays or anniver saries; also cookies, rolls and home-made bread. Telephone 258-J when you plan your parties.—Ad vertisement (w’s) ts. J. B. HESTER W. M. HESTER INSURANCE SINCE 1905 REAL ESTATE SINCE 1923 Hester Real Estate & Insurance Agency Phone No. 37— Hester Building, Tryon, N. C. At Bid-A-Wee Dog Farm: Min nie Kuhn, Penny Dobbyn, Jerry Meriwether, Von McCown, Queen Preston, are having fun this love ly cool weather. The farm plans to have additional kennels soon. So you plan for your dog at Bid-A-Wee. Good air, good care, good fare. Virginia A. Bland, Owner, Tryon, N. C. —Adv. THE BULLETIN—6 months sl. DAILY DELIVERY —of GRADE“A” i PASTEURIZED Milk and ' RAW MILK • Every growing child should haveJ at least a quart of milk a day.^ KalmU Datr^ Phone 149—Tryon, N. C.