ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN lc PER COPY (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) M. Vining. Editor Vol. 14. Est. 1-31-28 CURB REPORTER This is National Fire Preven tion Week and Chief Spurgeon Arledge and members of the Try on Fire Department have been taking special measures to im press upon the public the neces sity of carefulness in dealing with fire. They give such advice as this: Keep matches from children, never smoke in bed, put oily rags in cans, construct chimneys safe ly, remove old rags, paper and other rubbish, electric wiring should be kept in safe condition, repair defective flues, and a hun dred other ways to help prevent fires .... The weather for Mon day, high 91, low 61 ... . New subscribers to the Bulletin include Willy Sassoon who recently arriv ed in Tryon, a birthday subscrip tion from a friend here goes to Capt. B. B. Bishop at 215 2nd Ave., Hattiesburg, Miss., whose birthday was on October sth, Thurston Arledge at Columbia, S. C., Clyde W. Wright of Asheville; renewal! subscriptions have been made for Dr. Blanche Enfrink of Atlanta, Ga., Preston Splawn of Landrum, Mrs. P. H. Jackson < f Hendersonville, Mrs. Peter Call at Denver, Colorado; changes made for Marshall Streadwick whose address is St. Louis Park, Minn., for Private Pinckney Wil liams, who is now at-Fort Cronr- Continned on Back Page $1.60 Year in the Carolinas TRYON, N C., TUESDAY, OCT. 7, 1941 Civilian Defense Council To Meet On Friday Chairman C. J. Lynch of the Polk County Civilian Defense Council has called a meeting of the County Organization for Fri day afternoon at- Missildine’s Hall at 4 o’clock. The various duties and workings of the committee will be discussed and plans made for the air maneuvers. The County Council is composed of the following: George A. Cathey, K. A. Bowen, Seth M. Vining, Julian B. Hester, Carroll P. Rogers, Mrs. C. P. Rogers, J. S. Arledge, Joe A. Wil son, Julian Calhoun, C. H. Helms, Grover C. Feagan, M. B. Caldwell, W. D. Hines, W. W. Creasman, E. E. Missildine, Roy T. Baisden, John R. Burgess, Rev. C. R. White, Nobel Hannon. Settle - Wilson The congregation of the Tryon Methodist church was pleasantly* surprised Sunday, October sth when at the close of the morning service, the pastor, Rev. George M. Schreyer announced a marriage ceremony was to be performed for Miss Leila Wilson and Mr. James Horton Settle, and extended an invitation to the audience. Mrs. Walter Jones was at the organ and -with the strains of “Here Comes the Bride”, the couole entered unattended. The bride wore a dress of navy blue crepe with white accessories. The vows taken at the altar railing backed with fern and autumn flowers, completed the setting for - Continued on Back Pape . lc PER COPY