MISS BOX PASSES Miss Rose Marie Box of Saluda passed away early Thursday morning at her home. Funeral services were held at the home with Rev. C. L. McGavern of Tryon officiating. Interment today in Charleston, S. C. 'Miss Box was a member of an old Charles ton family. For a number cf winter seasons she made her home in Tryon several years ago. Mrs: J. B. Wilson, mother of Dock Wilson, the Star Route mail carrier, is in a Columbia, S. C., hospital where she expects to be for about two more weeks before returning to her home in Mill Spring community. FOR SALE: Cottage 6 rooms, bath, deep lot, close in. Large living room, fire-place, steam heat. Pr ced for quick sale at $3,000. E. Perry Manville, Real Estate, Insurance, Air Line Tickets.—Adv. ts. This General Electric Refrigerator sm sr FOOD/ "Perfected Con ditioned Air in a minimum. I j'jfi GENERAL |§ ELECTRIC J. S. BLACKWELL Electrical Appliances Ballenger Bldg. Tryon, N. C. IITiKHIK Jm j! rGQP STORES j Firm head Lettuce 10c Irish Potatoes, 10 lbs.— 27c Fla. Grapefruit, 5 for . 25c Bananas, 3 pounds for 20c JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKES Join our FRUIT CAKE CLUB now—loc down; 25c week. 1 pound 39c . 2 pounds 75c 5 pounds $lB5 lona Peaches, 2 No. 2 cans 35c Grapefruit Juice, 46-cz. can 23c lona Corn, No. 2 can 10c Ann Page Ketchup, 14-oz. bottle, 2 for.. 27c Fresh Cheese, pound— 31c Excell Soda Crackers, pound box for—— 10c MARKET SPECIALS Sliced Bacon, lb 21c Milk Fed Fryers, lb ..29c Tenderized Sliced Ham, pound 39c Beef Steak, lb < 35c Beef Roast, lb 27c Leg O’ Lamb, lb 35c All Cuts, Beef Lamb, Pork, Veal, Oysters. A & P FOOD STORFS O'ivned and Operated by The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company.