TRYON MOTOR CO Inc. Parts-Service STATE FAIR WINNER Mrs. W. G. Egerton of Mill Spring was listed among the win ners at the State Fair held last week at Raleigh. She took sec ond prize on two exhibits. One fcr a beautiful crochet bedspread and the other for canned pork tender loin. ADS I Perfection in Protection; Savings lIAN’T Be Safer! i : : ; ‘ What's more important where your savings are concerned than safety? And where can you find a more trustworthy protection than that afforded by Federal Insurance? It safe guards this Association's every account up to $5,000. Dividends Now—Paid in Caxh or Compounded Twice Yea^y text to icrf&ty comes maximum return. You get that here, too — pk.s imme uat* availability, proved by our record . . . Open YOUR toda« TRYON FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION New Crop BLACK TURTLE BEANS ANDREWS & COMPANY The Methodist Ladies will hold a Rummage Sale on Saturday all day at the Town Hall. Anyone having rummage to donate may leave it at the hall Saturday morning.—Adv. 22, 23, 24c