OWEN’S PHARMACY" Storp” WALGREEN AGENCY DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 202 “In Nothing Be Anxious” The following poem by Mrs. A. L. Shapleigh of Tryon appeared in the November issue of the Moody Bible Institute Monthly: This world is Thine, dear Lord, and reassures My troubled heart, torn by much buffeting The storms of life. I know that Thy commands Are Thine enablings, therefore I believe I may be carefree in a world of care, Possessed and garrisoned by Thine own peace That passeth understanding. I would be So wholly yielded to Thy blessed will That prayer and supplication might become As natural as breathing, my requests Made known as to a Father who delights To hear a dear child’s voice and answers him With more of blessing than he asks or thinks. The world knows nothing of Thy promised peace, But sorely needs to see its blessed power In lives kept calm amid the fret and strain Os each day’s common tasks, and when the waves And billows of adversity - sweep down Upon the soul and threaten to engulf And drag it from its moorings in Thy love. Forgive me, Lord, that I have failed to take What Thou hast offered, that the cares of life And urgent claims of work done f v J. B. HESTER W. M. HESTER INSURANCE SINCE 1905 REAL ESTATE SINCE 192 S Hester Real Estate & Insurance Agency Phone No. 37—Hester Building, Tryon, N. C. in Thy name Should ever draw me from the place of prayer, From sitting at Thy feet to hear Thy Word. Let me no longer rob Thee of the joy Os keeping by Thy Peace this heart of mine. Forbid that I should rob another soul Os that which I might give if I were stayed Upon my God. “In nothing anx ious be, In everything by prayer,” shall henceforth be By Thine enabling true, dear Lord, of me. SUNNALEE SCHOOL Tutoring in ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, LATIN AND FRENCH Mrs. Alice K. Missiidine FOR SALE: Cottage 6 rooms, bath, deep lot, close in. Large living room, fire-place, steam heat. Priced for quick sale at $3,000. E. Perry Manville, Real Estate, Insurance, Air Line Tickets.—Adv. ts. Pause.. and