ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN sic copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) 5c copy M. Vining. Editor $1.50 Year in the Carolina* Vol. 14. Est. 1-31-28 CURB REPORTER Lieutenant Craig Furr, Alene Ward’s husband, who is now sta tioned at Camp Polk, La., will be released from the army when his year is up on December 8 . . . Wat ching Matt O’Shields count the Bulletin pages containing foot ball guesses; it is astonishing how many people enjcy guessing at who”ll win, and it is equally astonishing how often the ama teur guesses better than the ex. pert ..... Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, a former private secretary in the home of the late President Wocdrow Wilson was one of the guests at Mrs. B. King Couper’s informal tea last week . . . Wanda L. Meyers, director of hostesses for the Southern Railway stream line trains, will arrive from Wash ington, D. C., this week to address the Tryon Rotary Club on Friday. Assistant General Passenger Ag ent Otis Price of Asheville says that she is an intereting speaker. She will also speak to the Ashe ville Rotary club .... Bishop Frank Hale Touret writes from Nantucket, Mass., to have his Bulletin sent to his home in Try on on Melrose Lane after Novem ber 16th. Rev. Charles McGavern and family who are occupying the Touret house are moving this week to the Buckius house nearby .... lefty Flynn’s cousin, Lieut. John Warner, of Greenwich, Conn., and Lieut. Joe Morman of Cincinnati, Continued on Back Page .... TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, NOV. 10, 1941 Roll Call Thursday Thursday, November 13th, is the Red Cross Roll Call Day in Tryon. In addition to the subscription of ten dollars already reported, two Bp I RED CROSS Thursday is the day. In the post office and in Mjssildine’s Phar macy, representatives of the com mittee will be on hand both morn ing and afternoon to enroll mem bers while others will make a house-to-house visitation. After Thursday, Miss Capps in Missii dine’s, and Mrs. Cathey at the Blue Ridge Weavers, will enroll members. G. W. Comer of the Adams - Millis Corporation and W. C. Ward of the Mercerizing plant will enroll employees of their respective outfits. Other members of the committee will enroll mem bers in Saluda, Green’s Creex, Columbus, Cooper’s Gap and other parts of the county. All this preparation is made in order to render it easy for Polk County people to enroll; but in view of the tremendous need, and the national appeal, the Committee feels sure that Polk County peo ple will make it easy for the Com mittee to do its work. A list of the committee as at present con stituted fellows; other names will be added later: Mrs. E. C. An ..... Continued on Back Page memberships have been receiv ed from visitors in Tryon who plan to leave early this week. Memberships will be received at any time up to November 30th. But in Tryon,