5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 14. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N C., FRIDAY, DEC. COMING EVENTS The American Woman’s Hos pitals is going to give its regular Christmas parties again this year, will be one on Dec. 26th, at -Blooper’s Gap and one on Dec. 27 at the Katherine Beatson Health House. Anyone interested in con tributing to these parties either money or services should get in touch with Rev. C. P. Burnett. The American Red Cross is arranging to open headquarters cn Trade street and will probably hold a meeting one day next week. The exact time has not been set. The Welfare Department and the Health Department hope to conduct an eye clinic for grown persons before long in Polk Coun ty. Anyone interested should con tact Miss Ina Tyler at Columbus. SOUND PICTURES AT TRYON CHURCH din Sunday evening at 7:30 the church offers to the community the first in a series of motion sound pictures of Biblical accounts. The picture will be “From Eden to Calvary.” This is a historic Biblical account from the creation of Jesus Christ. The church is sponsoring this new form of religious education on the grounds that the Methodist con gregation and The community sup port with their attendance and free will offerings. The church hopes that these films will be a spiritual inspiration to all. Dec. 15—Boy Scout Court of Honor at the Parish House at 7:30 p. m. $2.00 PER YEAR CURB REPojflrc Today is a dark, gloomy, cloudy, snowy-looking day. A fireside looks inviting. We who are for tunate to have firesides to warm and brighten our lives, and radios to bring outside news and music into our homes, need to keep our spirits aflame with encouragement, love and kindness to pass on to others. A smile helps a lot; a kind word is good cheer; a thoughtful deed gives encourage ment and appreciation of the brotherhood of man .... The weather on Thursday was 52 high and 33 low .... The first two days of the new war favored Ja pan, the following three days fav ored the United States and Brit ain as the Japs lose three war ships sunk and a fourth damaged. Germany and Italy have now de clared war on the U. S., but we must wait for developments. The Germans are retreating on the Russian front and the German- Italian troops are retreating in Africa The whole world is in two camps, one of democracy and the other ofl dictators Defense Chairman LaGuardia has just notified the Bulletin to ad vise the public on what to do in case of an air raid: Keep cool, stay home, put out lights, lie down, stay away from windows, and last but first YOU CAN HELP. Report now to your Civi- Continued on Back Page 12, 1941