5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEB. 6, 1942 Hydrophobia Victims Are Receiving Treatment Mrs. Charles Edwards and Hu bert Gibscn of Lynn are receiving treatment for the bite flpk a rabid dog. ’’"Vne “mad-dog” began his ram page of the neighborhood Sunday and did considerable damage to other dogs in the community. All dogs that came into contact with the- rabid animal are being disposed of, it was said today. Mrs. Edwards and young Gib= son have not suffered any ill ef fects from the dog bite so far. From 14 to 21 injections of the serum is required to cure a patient from hydrophobia. Tryon District Schools to Operate on DLS Time All parents of school children in the Tryon, Lynn and Tryon colored schools are notified that these schools will operate on the same schedule by Daylight Sav- This is being done in fHß|>liance with a Congressional request to aid in National De fense. Although this change in time will inconvenience x few school children, and parents the majority of parents have requested that the schools likewise conform with the hours maintained by the businesses and industries in Try on. Marcus B. Caldwell, Supt. Basketball Tonight The Haynes basketball team of Spartanburg will come to Tryon tonight to play the local high school quintet. The game will be nlayed in the school gymnasium beginning at 7:30. $2.00 PER YEAR Tryon Hunt Club Announces Events The Tryon Riding & Hunt Club at its recent annual meeting, un animously decided to continue its program of spring events with War Relief as the beneficiary. St. Patrick’s Day was chosen for the Mutt Dog Show, with Mrs. Austin Woody as chairman, to be held at Harmon Field. Hunter Trials held at Mrs. Tracy’s es tate, with Mirs. Sam Abernethy chairman, on March 21st. Junior Horsemanship Show at Junior Show Ring, Mrs. David Hedekin and Miss Antoinette Wick as co chairmen, March 26th. April Fool’s Day, chosen for»the Gym khana and back to l the Horse and Buggy Days fun, H. S. Thatcher as chairman. The last event, the Horse and Hound Show on April 15th, at Harmon Field. It is from this source that the largest in come for the relief will come. No cash prizes or trophies will be given this year. The patriotism of exhibitors is appealed to support this worthy cause. Defense bonds and ribbons will be given exhibi tors. The Annual Hound Show is being handled by C. W. Ballen ger, who single handed, is re sponsible for this being the sec ond largest Hound Shew in America. It will be as usual held the same day as the Hiorse Show. As usual on Horse Show day the 1,000 mountain folks who are invited to be guests cf the Riding & Hunt Club for the day, will have to be given their famous barbecue during the noon inter mission. Most social activities Continued an Back Page