5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE , AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS’ MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Daily Neivspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, FEB. 16, 1942 Mrs. Walter Jones Music Pupils Give Recital J*rs. Walter Jones presented piano class in a private re- at her home on Saturday afternoon, with only the parents of the pupils attending. A beautiful child’s solo, “My First Waltz” by Rolseth, was played by Norma Spangle which opened the program. The following pupils gave so les in a manner which was a credit both to themselves and to their teacher: Jean Brantley, Ja net Derby, Ruby Hayes, Anne Hoots, Mary Anne Morris, Nor ma Spangle, Babette Sassoon, Barbara Shields, Allen Shields, Barbara Todd, Louise Owens, and Katharine Fisher. After the program, Mrs. Jcnes served delicious refreshments.M.P Killed By Auto A Miss Ida Bishop, Gramling s teacher, was accidentally kulsa Sunday night about 11 o’clock when she got off a bus on Highway 176 at Gramling. A sedan car driven by Clifford Lan caster of Landrum hit Miss Bish op as she started across the street in front of the car, according to Mr. Lancaster, who said that the rain and haze prevented his seeing her until his car was im mediately at her and too late to stop. Married in Florida Louie W. Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Harrison cf Try on Route One, who is an aviation instructor at Miami, Fla. was married several weeks ago to Miss Doris Stoner of Miami. $2.00 PER YEAR First to Register Edward Burch Arledge was the first man to register this morn ing at the Polk County Draft Board headquarters over Jack son’s store. The next nine men were Robert Earley Brantley, Julian Ballenger Hester, Henry English Gilbert, Greenberry Lo tan Pace, Sr., Geoi'ge Alburtes Cathey, James Knox, William Mack Lindsey, Wayne Montgom ery Hardin, Burley Franklin Will iams. Draft Board Chairman J. B. Hester plan s to visit the other registration places in the county today, and a report on how the registration went in those pre cincts will be given in Tuesday’s Bulletin. Registration places will be open until 9 o’clock tonight. About 9,000,000 men are expected to register in the United States. Boy Scout Court of Honor Meets Tonight at 7:30 The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Parih House. The public is invited to witness the examination of the boys when they are presented for promo tion in Scout achievement. Cubs Meet Tonight The Tryon Cub Pack, Cubmas ter Charles L. McGavern, and parents of the Cubs will meet this evening at 6:30 at the Parish House to view the handicraft of the boys and to note the progress being made on the road to Boy Scouting and good citizenship. THE BULLETIN—6 months $1