5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS* MARCH 3," 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 Basketball Tonight The Trycn High School will play Saluda tonight at the Tryon gym. A preliminary game will start at 7:30 between the “B” teams. Annual Meeting Held For St. Lukes Hospital At the annual meeting of St. Lukes Hospital Julian Calhoun was re-elected president; Dr. Chas. G. Siewall, vice-president; Samuel A. Bingham, secretary treasurer; Volney T. Barnette, assistant secretary-treasurer, B. Hester was elected to iMmbership on the board of trustees to succeed Ralph C. Er skine who resigned. Open House Saturday At Tryon Country Club The Country Club committe to be hostesses at the Open House tea on Saturday afternoon are Mrs. Junius Judson, Mrs. D. C. Brundage, Mrs. Jefferson Coe, Mrs. George S. Jenks, Mfcs. Ralp Erskine, Mrs. Baxter Haynes, Miss Hope Washburn, Miss Ruth Rcwe. Mrs. James Trowbridge, wife of the president of the club will also serve with the committee on ‘ Saturday. FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1942 TRYON, N. C. COMMUNICATIONS At the annual meeting of the Trustees of St. Luke’s Hospital, the resignation of Miss Edna Cal vert was accepted. Mrs. Sophie Packer of Johns Hopkins Hos pital, Baltimore, Maryland, was engaged as Superintendent to fill the position. Mrs. Packer comes to St. Lukes from Johns Hopkins Hospital where she has had charge of the Out-Patient Department. In this position she had supervision of 20 nurses and an average of 1,000 patient! per day. She has had charge of this department for the past five years. Prior to that time she was with a 50 bed hospital in Farmville, Via., and while there organized the public health service in con nection with the hospital. On her graduation from Johns Hopkins Hospital she with two other nurses was selected to or ganize and equip the Rockefeller Foundation Hospital in Pekin, China. After serving in this ca pacity for three years she re turned to this country and con tinued the same character of work. Mrs. Packer comes to us very highly recommended bv Miss Hes ter K. Frederick, formerly assist ant superintendent of nurses of Johns Hopkins Hospital and now in charge of organizing nurses throughout Maryland for Civilian Defense. Also by Miss Anna D. Wolf, superintendent of nurses of Johns Hopkins Hospital with whom she has been working and with whcm she worked in China, and by Miss Mary Beard, head of the Red Cross Nursing service. ——Continued on Back Page $2.00 PER YEAR