5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS’ MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYQN, N, C., WEDNES’DY, FEB. 25, 1942 fry on Fifth Grade to Give Program Friday Fifth Grade of Tryon present a play cn Friday, Feb. 27 in the school auditorium at 12:15. The first part will be five piano selections, one clarinet selection, one trumpet, and a poem. The first piano selection will be played by Jean Arledge, “Theme and Variation” by Gur litte; the second by Emily Rose Brantley, “Little Fairy Waltz”; the third by Miartha Bishop, “Meal Time at the Zoo” by Will iams and Turner; the fourth by Ann e Hocts, “Butter Cup” by A. Sullivan; fifth by Mary Ann Morris, “All Through the Night” an old Welsh folk song; she will also play “Arpeggio Waltz” by Rolseth. The clarinet selections will be played by Carl Beust, Jack Eargle, and Ligon Flynn. “Beer Barrel Polka.” The play, “The Underground Railroad” will be presented by Emily Rose Brant ley as Ellen, Eleanor Henry as Lew, Martha Bishop—Polly, Jean Arledge—Nan, Mary Ann Morris —'Lizzie, Raymond Anderson— Ned, Bruce Suttle —Tom, Loyd Comer —Wat. The Weather The weather on Tuesday was 32 low and 47 high; precipitation .44. The snowfall is not reported as it turned to rain as it fell. A high of 25 inches of snow was re norted at Mfc. Mitchell. Charlotte had over six inches and parts of Polk county had that much. The mountains are beautiful teday with their snow covering. $2.00 PER YE AR Horse Clinic Here Is Completed The first county wide Horse and Mule clinic has just been completed. The Extension -Service with the assistance of Samuel Williams, Extension Animal Hus bandry Specialist, and Dr. W. L. Stallings, Veterinarian, conducted these clinics in 13 communities distributed through out the coun ty. One hundred and thirty seven horses and mules were examined free of charge. Os this group 91 were treated for parasites or den tal deficiencies at a clinic rate the farmers could afford to pay. Farmers were well pleased with the clinic and have asked that it be made an annual event. The arrangement for next year’s clin ic has already been made. J. A. Wilson, County Agt. “CROSS OR SWASTIKA— WHICH?” Dr. Taylor’s Topic “Cross or Swastika—Which?” was the topic on which Dr. Geo. F. Taylor spoke at the meeting of the Woman’s Society of Er skine Memorial church on Tues day afternoon. Dr. Taylor gave a very inspiring address and closed with some practical sug gestions, saying that he was tir ed of talks which did not ac complish anything. After the meeting tea was served by the hostess, Mrs. Walter Howell. At Rotary Friday Dr. M. C. Palmer will be in charge of the Rotary club pro gram on Friday at 1 p. m. at Sunnydale.