5c PER COPY 3 $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS’ MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WED., MARCH 25, 1942 Hunter Trials Wednesday xne * The twelfth annual hunter will be held at 2:30 p. m., e LeMorte place today, e entry list for this year trials has 23 horses and riders listed for the start, as follows: Class 1—Children’s hunters to be ridden by children under 19 years of age. Performance and suitability of mount to rider tc count. Hunting sound. Brown Sugar, owner - rider, Barbara Laughran. Taffy, owner-rider, Dol ly Loughran; Silvermine, owner, Peter Mahler,' rider, Miss Lough ran; Flicker, owner-rider, Jo Kimberly; Star Dust, owner, Bob Kimberly, rider, Anne Winn; Last Reef, owner, Arthur Rey nolds, rider, Garoline Golding; Booter, owner, Carter P. Brown, rider, Joice Raley. Class 2—Working hunters— amateurs. All weights. Hunting sound. Performance only. Salome, i*r^Hpr-rider, Mrs. JDavid Hedekin; jflPe Glory, owner-rider, Carter P. Brown; Foxianna, owner-rider, Austin Brown; Trompe Bar, own er-rider, Carter Wilkie Brown; General Alarm, owner, Polly Mah ler, rider, Mrs. Sam. Abernethy; Tuffy, owner-rider, Mrs. J. A. Blackwood; Candolette, owner-rid er, Eleanor Moffett., Class 3—Working hunters—pro. fessionals. All weights. Hunting sound. Peter X, owner, Betty White, rider, Arthur Reynolds; Black Wick, owner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mahler, rider, George Webster; Hermocalis, owner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mahler, rider, George Web ster; Extortionist, owner, Mr. a"d Mrs. L. Carpenter, rider, Har old Joye; Seighlinda, owner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Carpenter, pider, ._Continued on Back Page.. FROM “OUR” BOB “Outlaw strikes, suspend the forty hour week, ban overtime payments and prohibit double time payments, suspend the closed shop on war contracts, per mit any American, to work un molested who desires to aid in the war program regardless of whether or not he is affiliated with any labor organization, and place a six percent maximum ceiling over all war profits, all for the duration of the war,” said United States Senator Robert R. Rey nolds, Chairman of the Senate Military Affairs Committee. ^ What’s The Answer? The Atlanta Journal carries the following philosophical query which has baffijed students of hu man nature from, generation to generation: “Why is it that the average person thinks he’s about the unluckiest person in the world, and yet is confident he can beat a slot machine, although he knows the odds are stacked against him some four to one?” Echo answers, why? I andruir Man Held On I iquor Charge A man listed as Luther Bruce of Landrum was in county jail today under a federal commit ment after, officers said, he was arrested when an automobile he was driving was found to con tain 10 gallons of Untaxpaid whiskey.—Spartanburg Herald. THE BULLETIN—6 months $1.