5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS’ MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 35. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WED., APRIL 15, 1942 EXHIBITION Tryon residents and visitors to Tryon have a double treat in store for them on Friday, April 18th, when Mrs. George Farr and Tay opens her garden to the pub v^e from 4 to 6 p. m. Visitors will have the additional privilege of viewing the exhibition of rare Chinese art, including rugs,, hang ings, and ancient and modern cos tumes, which will be on display in Mrs. Taylor’s house. These priceless pieces from part of the co'lection acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Turner, of Tryon, who lived for many years in the Far East. - Mrs. Taylor’s garden is a small one but its location on a hillside and its charming terraces give it a distinctive place in the list of Tryon gardens. In the event of rain, the garden can be viewed from the house. It is requested that visitors leave their cars at the foot of Laurel Avenue and transportation will be arranged the short drive to the house. \yZhe 40 cents admission fee will include coffee and refreshments. Proceeds go to United China Relief. Laval has gained control of the Vichy French government and France is expected to cooperate with Germany. _ Tryon Merchants Assn, will close their stores on Wednesday from 1 to 5 p. m. for the Horse Show. ! The Country Day School which has had its spring vacation, will close on Wednesday for the Horse ; Show. Tryon school has spring holiday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. J I Curb Reporter This is Horse and Hound show day when most of Tryon takes a holiday v Therefore a small Bulle tin. Printers were up all night printing an attractive program which are on sale at the Horse show grounds. The Horse show dance at Sunnydale last night was well attended with spectators lining the walls. Miss Eleanor Moffett’s dancing school of 47 young people gave a good floor show. Seen at the dance from out of town were many soldiers, col lege students and visitors, also Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Blois of Tux edo, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oliver of Atlanta. Mr. Oliver is president of the Atlanta Horse show. He never misses the Tryon show; also Lieut, and Mrs. John Kit trell of Fort Eustis, Va. They are .visiting their mothers here and in Spartanburg, Sgt. Walter Bell of Camp Shelby, Miss., . . .Bill Ward, Jr. has been promoted to first lieu tenant in the Marines . . .Thomas Blackwell has been made chief ra dio man in the Naval air corps at Pearl Harbor. . . Frank Wall is now private first class at the Marine Barracks, New River, N. C. . . Polk county men are making good in the service of their coun try. . .There has never been a prettier day for the Horse show, and makes the 17th consecutive _Continued on Back Page_