$2.00 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS* MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1942 Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 Speaking of Garden Seeds The Garden Club Conservation is asking for further contribu tions to the Victory Garden seed fund. Planting time is NOW, and Se requests for seeds are beyond e reach of the funds now avail le. The committee wants it distinct ly understood, however, that this is help for those who are willing and eager to help themselves, and not an effort that will result in creating another class of depen dents. There are far too many already desiring help in every di rection, from federal, state and social agencies, because such aid is now available and no one knows what conditions will be in another year. Of one thing we may ensure; conditions wluu jdh. CHANGED, and not on the help ful side; there will be shortages and sacrifices that do not exist at present. But this is precisely why the Victory Garden campaign was started: to educate the peo ple, to wake us all up to the im ofirtance of good food, for good health and general self reliance and independence. In short every community and every individual in it should learn to be self sus taining; every citizen on his own feet, and on his own soil if pos sible, holding up his own head for freedom and self respect. If he has a back-ache from pulling up weeds, he will still have strength to stan^ up and salute the flag. And when eating time comes things will taste much sweeter than if the WPA or Uncle Sam himself had done the work. The Garden club is out to help _Continued-- in Back Page_ Nominations Closed For Democratic Primary Polk county’s primary filing books were closed Saturday. Can didates who will appear on the tickets for the May 30th Demo cratic primary were released to day, and the names of the Repub lican candidates who will oppose the candidates picked *n the pri mary of May in the general elec tion in • November, were also re leased. Democratic nomination in rolK County is not equivalent to elec tion, as is in many Southern states because both Democratic and Re publican votes are very close in Polk County; and successful can didates in the general election have been put into office by as small a margin as pne and two votes. There have been two Republican sheriffs within the past 12 years. The following Democratic can didates have filed for the pri mary, and the name of the Re publican candidate who will op pose the successful Democrat for the respective office is also given in parenthesis following the Dem ocratic names: For state house of representa tives: Carroll P. Rogers, W. H. McDonald, Democrats (Hugh M. Thompson, Republican); for sher iff, W. D'. Hines. W. Y. Wilkins, Hague Kiser, Democrats (Fred Arledge, Republican); for tax collector, W. C. Hague,.Dan Led better, Democrats (Ed Newman, Republican); for county commis sioner, C. O. Story, G. C. Feagan, Democrats (W. D. Westbrook, Re publican) ; for_ clerk of superior court, Robert S. McFarland, no _Continued on Ba-ck Page