5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER JAUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE iCT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 SUGAR RATIONING SOON IN EFFECT IN POLK Sugar requirements for the fol lowing people: Merchants, whole iale and retail, cafes, hotels, girding houses, school lunch Pms, inns, lodges, drug stores, bakeries, candy an.r] cake manu facturers (for sale), dairies, ice cream manufacturers, hospitals, county homes, jails, and any and all other institutions using sugar for the purpose of resale in any form, will register, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 28th, and 29th. Registrations to be held at the nearest white school building be tween 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. This registration is mandatory and is not optional and those failing to register as prescribed above will be penalized. Registrations must oe maae Dy the owner or his designated man ager. In case of purchase of sugar for resale the merchant must submit the following information: (a) gross sales of all meats, gro «es, fruits and vegetables, etc., the weekending April 25, 1942; sugar deliverer to and accept ed by registering unit during month of November 1941; (c) pres ent inventory of sugar in pounds. Institutional and industrial us ers, such as hostels, cafes, ice cream manufacturers and those others listen above should be pre pared to give their monthly con sumption of sugar for each month of 1941, and for March 1942, in order to secure permits to pur chase sugar for their needs. Everyone, please take note, that +hese regulations apply only to industrial business, institutions enumerated above. The civilian • „ . Continued in Back Pa.ae— j Sales Service Offered All business houses need sales men. Some of them have several salesmen. The most economical salesman for any business here is The Tryon Daily Bulletin. It will approach several thousand people and tell them about your merchandise or service. No other salesman can afford to work so cheaply and do so much for what you will be charged for its ser vices. The Tryon Garden club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George Canfield. The only shadow on the afternoon was the report by Mrs. Curtis of the terrible forest fires raging in the Pisgah Forest area, an inferno of de struction covering over five thou sand acres. It was a relief to turn from that picture to the lovely ones in very true colors of gardens of Miss Ellen Holt in Lake Forest, 111., and in Tryon. The pictures were taken and shown with great skill and an eye for composition as well as color by Miss Elizabeth Webster. Mrs. Ralph Erskine shower interesting views also in color, of her recent trip to California. Every one expressed the hope that all these beautiful pictures will be shown again where mof e of garden loving Tryon can see them. A vote was taken on the question of whether to hold a flower show this year, and a very simple exhibition was decided upon, to be held in the Lanier library on Saturday, May 2nd. The proceeds will be "donated tov war activities. Watch the Bulletin for further nptice.—rCont. THE BULLETINS month3 $1.