5c PER COPY $2.00 per Year ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS* MARCH 3, 1879 the mom iiiiuiiuiim The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WED., APRIL 29, 1942 PANTHER RITES TODAY Funeral services for John T. Panther will be conducted this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the [jolet Baptist church by the Rev. Henry and the Rev. E. W. JJHTles. Active pallbearers will be W. Y. Wilkins, C. O. Story, Lee Coch ran, Demus Chapman, Albert Henderson and W. S. McCall. Honorary pallbearers will be Charlie Foster, Tom Coleman, A. N. Kunkle, Ambrose Mills, Riley Henson, Malley Thompson, Frank Wilcox, T. A. Rippy, Oliver An drews, Dr.' M. C. Palmer, Dr. E.' E. Missildine and W. W. Ballard. MANVILLE-LEAGUE Edward Perry Manville, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry Manville of. Try on and Miss Mary Matilda League, daughter of Mrs. R. A. and the late Mr. League of Green ville, S. C., were married at high noon on Tuesday at the home of ^cc\ bride’s brother, Mr. John ^jfc/gue in Greenville. The cere mony was performed in the pres ence of immediate members of the family by the Rev. George Far rand. Taylor of Tryon. The bride was educated at Flora MacDon ald college. Mr. Manville is a graduate of Tryon high school. He attended Clemson college dur ing which time he studied avia tion, an^ is now a flight instructor at the Camden airport, where he and his bride will make their home after a short weddng trip. The groom’s best man was Gene Reid of Gaffney, whom he met at Sa luda while both were attending the summer band school. Mr. Reid is also flight instructor at Camden. VICTORY FLOWER SHOW Saturday, May 2, at the Parish House. Come in the morning be fore 12 o’clock to bring the love liest specimens from your garden. Come in the afternoon or evening with 25c for war activities. See what has been growing in your neighbors’-'gardens. Hours from 3 p. m., to 9 p. m. As for sped-' mens: Roses—Teas, Hybrid Teas, Polyanthus and Climbing; Iris— Bearded and Non-Bearded; Peren nials, Biennials and Shrubs. Three class of flower arrange ments—one for Miniatures, one for Center of Table and one for Mantle. The emphasis is on the sharing of the beautiful things we can grow with a little effort. The Garden club is sponsoring the'exhibit in as simple a way as possible with no scenery and no frills. All classes are open to any gardener, whether a member of the club or not. The young people are to have their Peep-Show Box es. The Katherine Hamilton Sweepstakes trophy will be award, e^ for the third time and will go to the winner of the largest num ber of blue ribbons.—Contributed. “FIREBUGS” CAUGHT The Polk County sheriff’s de partment working in conjunction with the Forest Warden’s force, have caught three men, who have confessed to setting fires in the County. Two of the prisoners were juvenile and were sentenced to the Jackson Training Camp on Tuesday. One admitted setting fire near the Railway Brotherhood’s Home; the other admitted setting _Continued m Back Page