5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTER!® AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE AQT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879 THE THm MM ElMETIN The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, MAY 1942 Polk County People Asked to Buy Bonds To Help Win the War "VToday marks the first day of a tick’s campaign to get every American to pledge to invest a specific- sum in WAR Sawings Bonds (or stamps) each week, month or at times most convenient to the investor. During the week it is hoped that the Boy Scouts and other volunteer canvassers will contact every person in Polk County and that their efforts will result in our County meeting its quota of $10,900.00 set by the WAR Savings Staff of the Treas ury Department. It is strictly up to each Ameri can to do his or her bit by whole hearted. cooperation with our gpv ernment in making this campaign a success. Should we not meet the quota, Axis propagandists will have a topic for their broadcasts to other nations. It is going to -JSVKK difficult to contact every citi Mv during the time allocated for this campaign. Patriotic citizens will not wait to be contacted by a canvasser. Instead they will make it their business to help by obtaining an^ signing a pledge card as soon as possible. Our government is putting us on trial this week. Unless we rise to occasion in true American spirit, some form of compulsory saving is likely to be enforced. That would be as foreign to American ideals as for us to fail in going over the top in this campaign. Just the fact of our quickly meeting and exceedng our quota will have tre k mendous effect on the peoples of the worl<3 and might easily swing . ..._Continued on Back Page_ I Tires and Tubes Issued April 23rd and April 30th April 23rd—New truck tires and tubes: J. H. Smith, Landrum Route 1, 2 tires and tubes; Hubert Pack, Tryon Route 1, 1 tube. Recapped passenger tires: Gene Gosnell, Tryon, 2 tires; James P. Egerton, Mill Spring, 2 tires; C. L. Dickerson, Tryon, 2 tires. April 30th—New passenger tires and tubes: M. A. Kizer, Saluda. 2 tires and 2 tubes; Dr. W. St. J. Jervey, Tryon, 2 tires. New truck tires: Jack Pace, Saluda, 1 tire; Avant Electric Co., Tryon, 2 tires and 9 tubes. Recapped passenger tires: Hor ace Gibbs, Mill Spring Route 2, 2 tires; W. R. Gilbert,' Mill Spring Route 2, 2 tires; D. A. Shields, Tryon, 2 tires; W. C. Horton, Try on Route 1, 1 tire; Oiren Hannon, Tryon, 1 tire; Rev. C. R. White, Tryon, 1 tire. Recapped truck tires: Duke Power Co., Tryon, 2 tires; Tryon Builders Shipply, Tryon, 1 tire, 12 new tubes; R. C. Walker, Mill Spring, 1 tire, 1 new tube. Because we are temporarily out of certificates for recapped tires, none have been issued to those granted recapped tires. As soon as these certificates are received, they will be issued to the persons to whom tires have been granted. KIWANIS TUESDAY The Tryon Kiwanis club will meet on Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel. J. A. Wilson will be in charge of the program. Col. A. L. Staiith of Tryon and Wash ington will be the chief speaker. THE BULLETIN—6 months $1.