5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 ' THE TRTOH II til l III Him The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol, 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20,1942 “What to Salvage” What to look for in Your Attic— Iron or; brass bedsteads; electric cords, toasters, irons, heaters, fans, etc.; hardware—door knobs, /^Wes, keys, locks, trim, springs; . Jrchen utensils, pots, pans, knives, scissors; lamps made of brass, copper or iron; ornaments, statues, vases, ashtrays, etc. of brass or copper; metal porch or garden furniture; metal parts of radios, toys, skates; copper or brass screens. What to look for in your Cellar— Worn out coal stoves, furnace parts, radiators, fire extinguish ers; metal parts of refrigerators, gas or electric stoves; piping of brass, copper or iron, old tools; bath tubs, faucets, sinks, laundry tubs. What to look for in your Garage— Automobile parts, chains, bat teries, license plates; parts of motors, bicycles, tricycles, etc. , to look for in your Yard— '^4rm tools, metal fencing and posts, motors; chains, guttering, playground equipment pump handles. Rubber Items— Worn out tires and tubes, over shoes, boots, gloves, hotwater bags, mats, sponges, etc. — Save clean paper and rags for your own use but not for ship ment. We are too far from con version plants. Tin cans are NOT wanted in this area for the same reason. Collect your salvage, repair and use what you can, sort and sep _Continued on Back Page_ CURB REPORTER The weather on Tuesday was 85 high and, 58 low .... Kath arine Caldwell, Press Representa tive at Hotel Grosvenor, New York, reports the following: “Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis arrived at the Grosvenor Hotel this week from Tryon, N. C., where they have spent the winter and after a few days in New York continued on to their summer home in Nantucket. Ordinarily the Davises spend their winters in Bermuda, but the hazards of ocean travel change^ their plans this year and they report a very pleasant stay in the South instead” .... Mrs. C. P. Rogers and Miss Helen Stearns will address the Saluda P.-T. A. on Thursday afternoon - at 4 o’clock on Civilian Defense. . . . . The Asheville Citizen to day liste.-j Miss Molly Hague of Columbus as one of the gradu ates from Asheville College tb's year.Hoke Jacobs is now a sergeant in the Army in the Canal Z6ne .... The Lightner vs. Boone case will be heard the first thing Monday morning in Henderson County court before Judge Hoyle Sink, according to The Hendersonville Times-News. . . . . Sixty young people turned out for the Vacation Bible school at Columbus on Monday morning, according to Director Harry P. Bean. TVTiss Ruby Williams of Tryon, who was educated in yOung Continued on Back Page_w...