5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS? MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRIM MIY BIILIEM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 Your Man In Army, Navy? Then Read This— The Home Friendly club is or ganized for all service men from the Polk County Draft district. -Jgjfcc particularly desire to get % l.£fl|kamp address and birthday of'all who have gone from the county outside of Tryon. At the last meeting Mrs. H.E.S. Viner and Mrs. Roy Baisden came down from Saluda and Miss Jeanette MacGregor came from Columbus to the garden party. They and Miss Gladys Hamrick belong to the club’s county com mittee of which Mrs. George A. Cathey is chairman. Addresses may be given to any member of the committee. ROTARY FRIDAY R. C. Burnett, who has charge of the Rotary club program on Friday is away on vacation, has arranged for an interesting pro gram to be given by Piedmont BovScouts from the camp at Lake President Chas. L. Mc •:ng. /n will preside over the meet SOFTBALL NEWS President R. ^E. Brantley of the Tryon Merchants association, pitched the Soumerco team to a 13-8 victory over the famous Bushwhackers Wednesday after noon. W. D. Bradshaw was his receiver. Manager Charlie Nes rmith of the Tryon Theatre chunked the ball for the losing team and he was caught by Banker Dick Blanchard. Old or new copies of The Tryon Daily Bulletin for sale at 5c each. CURB REPORTER Weather Wednesday: High 90, low 60, rain .03 .... There are only four pages today . . . Did you think to look for a1 thermos pitcher for St. Luke's hospital? . . . . Many people marvel at the efficiency of the Polk County Ra tioning Board. They work with out salary; giving more than their leisure time to help win the war. Others have helped them by lend mg desks, cnairs ana some otner office equipment. They need dona tions now for postage and other expenses. “Taint” fair for them to give their time and then pay the bills, too. . . . Keesler Field reports that Private Russell H. Durham son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Durham of Landrum Route One, has enrolled as a student at the great army air technical school there and has started a 19-week intensive course to quali fy as an airplane mechanic .... Dr. Meryin E. Oakes, fprmer Green’s Creek principal, now pro fessor at Queens College, Flush ing, N. Y., writes to Secretary Chas. West for copies of the Tryon Bird club list. Another re quest came from M'ellen Martin at Chicago. Wayne O’Niel, who underwent an operation recently at Leroy Private Sanatorium in New York, is recuperating at his home in Tryon.