5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 8, 1879 THE TRM DAILY BlILLEM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON, N. C„ FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1942 Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 HEROES DAY Today is Heroes Day when all Americans are expected to show their appreciation of the men who haffl^given their lives to their cd Wry by buying defense bonds ana stamps which are on sale at the Tryon Bank & Trust Co., and Post Office. Stamps are also on sale at The Ballenger-Jackson Company and a few other places where they ask you to take part of your change in stamps. Polk County has over 200 men in the armed forces of the country. They will be found in the army, navy, marines, air corps, and there are several women as nurses, Red Cross or social service work. They are in Alaska, Hawaii, Jap pris ons, in Australia, Africa, South America, Iceland and the British Isles. Bushwhackers Defeat A-M The Bushwhackers with only 9 of their players defeated the big Ad vtSBkMillis squad of 10 by a scoT^f 7 to 6 Thursday after noon at' A-M park. Batteries for Bushwhackers: Honemann and Capps; for A-M: Pace aild Wilson. Umpires Link Ravan behind plate and Bill Bradley on the bases. Seized Car Is Ordered Returned To Polk Man A 1931 Ford coupe seized when police arrested Morris Lawter here recently on charges of transport ing whiskey was ordered returned to J. H. Ruff of Polk county by Judge Sam M. Cathey yesterday. Mr. Ruff filed papers showing he held a mortgage on the car.—Ashe ville Citizen. Homemakers Urged To Buy Victory Food Starting today and continuing until July 25th, local merchants will feature broilers and fryers as a Victory Food Special. This is the fourth Victory Food special to be featured in this area. Speaking of the success of the previous “Specials”, -Joe Wilson, Polk County Agent, said: “Local homemakers and storekeepers are to be congratulated, for the splen did cooperation they have given the government in the promotion of Victory Food Specials. When we increase the consumption of farm products that are in abun dance, we are 'all helping the war effort. By eating health-building foods we are not only making America strong but we also are assisting farmers by buying their products that are in temporary abundance. “Victory Food S'pecial on broil ers and fryers will give clever housewives the opportunity to serve one of America’s favorite foods without stretching the fam ily budget.” Here are some table tips on broilers and fryers which come from the Bureau of Home Economics, USDA: Ordinarily, you’ll buy chickens to fry or broil by their dressed weight, That is the weight of the chicken picked but not drawn and including head and feet. The weight of a drawn chicken is about three-fourths that of a dressed chicken. Best chickens for table use are well-rounded—short and stocky rather than rangy. All bones are well-covered with flesh -Continued on Back Page-_