5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 imim imiii urn The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C„ MONDAY, JULY 20, 1942 JH GASOLINE RATIONING The permanent Gasoline Ration program becomes effective on 22nd. On and after that date _ gasoline purchased for any purpose must be purchased with a coupon from one of the gasoline rationing books which have and are being issued to all users of gasoline. In order to clear some points of confusion the following infor mation is given: If the owner of a passenger car failed to register for a basic “A” book during the regular days of registration, an application for such book may be filed with the local board at any time after July 22nd. UiUIiO iui rations for passenger cars, ser vice rations for trucks, etc., and non-highway uses of gasoline may be filed with the board at any time. s- -jBfc a car is sold the gasoline fiSron book must be returned to the local board. If cars are traded, a new ration book must be issued, and the old book re turned to the board within five days after the car was traded in. Coupon books cannot be borrow ed for use with a car other than that for which it was issued. How ever, any one authorized to drive the owner’s car may use the ration book for that specific car and purchase gasoline for it.. Contrary to the temporary ra tion plan, auto owners may not save coupons for the purchase of a large supply of gasoline. Tfeat is, each page of coupons (of a basic “A” book) expires at a giv en date. Page 1 of the “A” book _... Continued on Back Page BICYCLE RATIONING Forms and regulations covering the rationing of new adult bicycles have now been received. Subject to the quota for the county, the following persons may obtain a certificate: A person who establishes—that he is engaged (1) in a gainful occupation, or (2) in work, which contributes to the war effort or to the public welfare. That he needs a bicycle at least three days a week to travel to and from, or in the performance of the work or occupation mentioned above. That he does not already have the use of a bicycle which is adequate for his needs. That, since April 2, 1942, he has not sold or otherwise disposed of a bicycle which was adequate for the purpose for which a new adult bicycle is sought, unless at the time of such disposition he was not engaged in work or an occupation mentioned above and he did not need the bicycle. The Polk County quota from this date to August 1, 1942, is two (2) bicycles. Any one interested in further knowledge of these rationing regulations may see: The Polk County War Price and Rationing Board. KIWANIS TUESDAY John Moore, the builder, will be the speaker at the Tryon Ki wanis club program on Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel. Old or new copies of The Tryon Daily Bulletin for sale at 5c each.