5c PER COPY S2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER TIIE ACT OF CONGRESS> MARCH 3, 1879 THE mm MILTBVLLEW The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth.M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1942 «9i HERE FROM PANAMA Emerson Edney who has been in Panama Canal Zone since his duation from Tryon high school j years ago, has returned home register and volunteer for the Army. He hopes to get in the Air C^rps. He has seen Hoke Jacobs, Buck Moore, Brownlow Martin and Burgin Fortune, other Tryon men in the service in the Canal Zone. He came by boat to New Orleans. GIRLS AT WORK A Smith college graduate, the editor of the University of North Carolina Woman’s College news paper and a debuntante from the University of Chicago, three charming young ladies, had their working clothes on, sleeves rolled up and were mapping the floors of Missildine’s Hall on Monday, getting it ready for a re-creation tenter for Camp Croft soldiers other service men visiting ^&yon for the day or weekend. Here they will be able to stop and rest, write letters, read, play games and otherwise enjoy a little of home life. The girls were Misses Ann Bingham, Peggy Lin coln and Ruth Rowe. ATTEND RALEIGH MEET C. J. Lynch, civilian defense chairman and Dudley C. Smith, rationing1 board chairman, leave this afternoon for Raleigh to at tend a state meeting to study rationing and price administration problems. Old <\r new copies of The Tryon Daily Bulletin for sale at 5c each. CURB REPORTER Weather Monday: 73-96 . . . . Last call for 1941 taxes. Tax Col lector is giving notice this week through the papers that the law requires all property on which taxes for 1941 have not been paid, to be advertised for sale in Aug ust .Col. C. H. Burkhead has learned of two army friends who have been reported missing in the battles of the Philippines, Col. J. H. Ball and Col. Alexander Quintard. Both of these officers have lived in North Carolina and were instructors for the North Carolina National guard . . . . Roy Palmer, merchandising and advertising manager of the Duke Power Co., Charlotte, has been appointed State dimout technical advisor to- the State Civilian De fense Council, for the purpose of getting the best results on black outs along the Atlantic coast. Mr. Palmer is considered one of the nation’s foremost illuminating ex perts and has represented this country at the international illum ination meeting in England. Mr. Palmer’s family spent their sum mer vacation in Tryon last year. . . . . Please remember to send your soldiers’ new addresses to the Home Friendly club. Rev, and Mrs. D. M. McGeachy have received a letter from their son, Lieut. John David McGeachy, some-where-in the Pacific. Continued on Bach Page_